
2009-03-07 4:56 am


     雞蛋仔             花生米通(花生米香)

     芝蔴糕             水晶西米餅

     糖不甩             合桃酥(核桃酥)

     缽仔糕             碗仔翅

     香蕉糕             蔥油餅

     白糖糕             豬腸粉

     艇仔粥             甜蛋散

     油角仔             笑口棗(開口笑)

     煎堆仔(芝蔴球)        紅豆糕

     炸金花             錦鹵雲吞(炸餛飩)

     豆沙窩餅(豆沙鍋餅)      薯仔餅(薯餅)

     窩貼(鍋貼)          豬皮蘿蔔

回答 (3)

2009-03-08 12:22 am
雞蛋仔  Chinese Egg Puff 
花生米通(花生米香)Peanut Rice Crispy

芝蔴糕 Black Sesame Pudding
水晶西米餅 Pearl Crystal Cakes

糖不甩        Mini Sugary Dumplings
合桃酥(核桃酥) Walnut Cookies

缽仔糕 Clay-Pot Puddings
碗仔翅 "Shark's Fin" Soup

香蕉糕  Banana Rolls
蔥油餅 Spring Onion Cakes

白糖糕   White Sugar Sponge
豬腸粉 Steamed Rice Sheet Roll

艇仔粥   Congee with Assorted Fish
甜蛋散 Crispy Dumplings
油角仔        Crispy Egg Bows
笑口棗(開口笑) Chinese Laughing Doughnuts

煎堆仔(芝蔴球)   Sesame Dumplings
紅豆糕 Red Bean Pudding

炸金花  Crispy Stuffed Bean Curd Puff
錦鹵雲吞(炸餛飩) Jumbo Wontons with Sweet and Sour Sauce
豆沙窩餅(豆沙鍋餅) Red Bean Patties     
薯仔餅(薯餅) Potato Cakes

窩貼(鍋貼)     Wortips (Meat Dumplings )
豬皮蘿蔔 Soya Pig's Skin And Turnips
參考: 香港特色小吃
2009-05-02 4:29 am
2009-03-07 5:26 am
     Egg young              The shelled peanut passes (shelled peanut fragrance)
     Iris 蔴 cake           Crystal sago cake
     The sugar does not fling             Gathers the crisp peach cookie (nuclear crisp peach cookie)
     Earthen bowl young cake  Bowl young wing
     Banana cake       Wheatcake
     White sugar cake     Pig steamed vermicelli roll
     Sampan gruel      The sweet egg disperses
Oil angle young   Smiles the mouth jujube (to open the mouth to smile)
     Glutinous rice cruller young (iris 蔴 ball)        Red bean cake
     Explodes the artificial flower with gold-foil             The brocade halogen cloud swallows (explodes wonton)
     Kidney bean paste nest cake (kidney bean paste thick bread)      Potato young cake (potato cake)
     The nest pastes (pot-sticker)          Pigskin radish 蔔
參考: 聰明筆

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