大陸真的是大家想像中進步嗎??? 香港真的是依賴大陸???

2009-03-07 2:21 am


My university study focuses on China and I believe China is simply overrated. Look at their GDP per capita, $5,943[1] (99th); compare that to Hong Kong’s $42,123[4] (10th).

HK’s GDP per capita is over 8 times higher than China’s. China’s fiscal system is a complete shambles; their human rights record is a total embarrassment; and even cities like Shanghai still cannot afford a welfare system of their own.

Is China really in the position of ‘saving’ Hong Kong??? Or should it be it vice versa??

知識管理員 : After viewing the data I have just shown above, you still wrote .... 你班香港燦... Is that supposed to be a joke????


生活已經比以前好咗好多 不禁讚嘆黨的偉大 Are you sure the Communists deserve credit for that? Don't forget Taiwan's economy took off much earlier than China's (and without China's resources).


香港人去大陸設廠, 唔通自己冇賺? 白送錢比大陸? 香港人咪又係貪大陸有廉價勞動力, 有原料 靠大陸發達... 應該係互相依賴先啱 You are right, Hong Kong did benefit. However, who was benefited more? Don't forget, at the early stage of the reform, HK and Taiwan are the only 2 countries willing to invest in China.


And now they are being look down upon !!!


香港有親咩事, 大陸幾時有唔撐你? 金融風暴又泵錢, SARS用外滙買物資比香港 That got to be a total joke.... look at China now, who is the one that need help???


話你香港燦... But aren't you from HK as well.... or are you.......


蔣介石走時將大陸所有黃金... I meant in terms of natural resources and population. Bear in mind, Taiwan was enjoying enormous economic growth (it was one of the core countries of the so- called East Asian Model).... along with countries like Singapore, HK etc.


The Communists at that time..... let me think..... oh yeah... Great Leap Forward... Cultural Revolution


梗係香港收益較多, 勞動力廉價比香港已經好著數 I disagree. Unlike Taiwan, China's labour was unskilled at the initial stage. Moreover, the Communists also needed capital. HK provided both.


HK和台灣不是國家... they are de facto countries.


大陸需要HELP, 但知道香港人嬌生慣養.... I would argue that China is in need of more help than HK. The Communists rely on performance legitimacy (Huntington's concept).... can it still mantain 8% growth to renew its mandate??


I don't actually think the Communists will fall as such (Damn !!!)... But it's going to be a rough ride for them (much rougher than any other countries...)


台灣有大量大陸的黃金... Regardless of the gold... Taiwan's economic miracle is a huge achievement. It is branded (along with countries like Korea, Hong Kong etc) as the East Asian model of economic development.


The gold you were talking certaintly did not play a big role.... bear in mind, Taiwan's defence budget was huge (15% of either its GDP or total spending)


Gold certainly did not play a huge role in economic development as other countries like Hong Kong and Korea achieved similar result with no gold from mainland.


Also, if the amount of gold was so significant, the KMT would probably won the civil war


我梗係唔係香港人, 唔好當我同香港人一樣一般見識 You are from China ?????


事實上, 改革開放前幾百年, 饑荒也是經常發生的 Come on..... you know how ridiculous that sound right? The intention of the policy does not matter (Hitler probably thought he was helping Germany), the fact is the Great Leap forward is a huge mistake of the CCP.


文革是錯, 也是民主的錯 Are you related to Sir Donald Tsang in any way??????

回答 (5)

2011-10-04 2:45 am

2011-10-03 19:13:45 補充:
2009-04-11 8:29 pm
2009-03-16 2:04 am
2009-03-07 3:49 pm
if, " if " only looking to those developed cities, yes, it is.
to over all, the answer is no. not yet.
poor and rich ratio are too far off. and majority people are consider as poor, that is the biggest problem to China.
PROC raised in 1949, not 30 years ago. they wasted their time in the first 30 years is their fault.
China havs to help HK, why? if Hk fall, that means they lost a money making golden chicken.
2009-03-07 2:58 am

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