What exactly is the "preppy" look? My understanding vs. your understanding?

2009-03-06 2:04 am
Recently I've run into a lot of girls who seem to think that "preppy" means brands like Abercrombie and Fitch or Hollister...

Well... that can't be any further from MY understanding of the "preppy" look, which is something like this:

I guess I can pretty much describe that as my style. Brands which I'd buy from - and consider "preppy" - are Ralph Lauren (e.g. Polo, etc.), Brooks Brothers and J Crew.

Well, that's just my personal take. I'd like to hear about your opinions. In the end, labels don't really matter but I was quite shocked when I described my style as "preppy" and people associated that with Hollister or Abercrombie!

If anything, Hollister and Abercrombie are more "ghetto" than preppy... or aren't they? =p

... Incidentally, the boys I've met mostly share my understanding of "preppy". For boys, that would be blazers, checkered sweaters, polo shirts and the like. So the "preppy = Abercrombie" conception seems to be mostly an American girls' thing.


To LBTM: That definition agrees with my understanding... I always knew I was right haha, but I was asking for your opinion.

回答 (6)

2009-03-06 2:39 am
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however preppy is also the flaunting of brand names. saying `my clothes are better than your clothes` because they are more expensive, designer, or for whatever elitist reasons is preppy. however, owning something designer, or something by the traditional preppy brands (like lacoste), does not make you a prep.

fashion wise, you nailed the look on the top photo. however, on the bottom one she might be wearing a school uniform inspired sweater. abercrombie is nothing more than an overpriced casual clothing store, but it does have piece inspired by the traditional preppy look. i do like blazers, AE buttondown shirts (i like button downs in general, i just feel AE has better colors than HCO and ANF) but i don`t consider myself a prep. i don`t care about brands (although there are some brands i tend to like over others strictly for aesthetic reason), i am not upper class, and i feel really stupid flaunting stuff in other peoples` face.

as far as the preppy life style, i share different interests ... i don`t like having my mind preoccupied by my carreer, and i do not like gold, tennis, yachting, and truth is, most pasttimes or settings which are considered luxurious downright bore me. chances are if you saw my in fitted jeans (usually something flared and slim) and my button down shirts, with a blazer, trench coat of sort, you`d imediatly think i`m a prep.

finally, preppy is an elitist society of superficial mutual adoration revolving around money, brands and mundane overly polite discussion topic. yawn ... boring
2009-03-06 2:18 am
Preppy is NOT: Abercrombie or Hollister.
Preppy is: A life style.
Most preppy people are raised in upper middle to upper class homes. They do and are involved with an assortment of preppy activities like: Fishing, Sailing and Golf. They wear clothes that are centrally themed around the preppy life style like: Ralph Lauren, J.Crew and Brooks Brothers.

Abercrombie and Hollister are NOT preppy. They are just the brands of mainstream teen America.
2009-03-06 2:13 am
the correct meaning for preppy is the one you know. but nowadays people think the complete opposite (torn jean skirts, flip flops, walking billboard tshirt) is what preppy means.
people really like to use labels, without even knowing what they are.
i get called an indie kid a lot, but its like what does that mean? im independent?? ha
i throw the words around to and am being a bit of a hypocrite right now, but its just because theres lack of a better word to use when thats what people associate it with??
like if i say preppy they automaticaly think holister. so i know thats not what preppy is but thats what people associate it with.

not that this really answers your ? but thats my thoughts.
(ill get off my soapbox now)
2017-01-15 9:37 pm
My comprehend-how of the Universe is that "God did do it" and that by utilising no ability interferes with my analyze into the writer's machinations, this is the internal workings or quantum physics for any pseudo intellectuals obtainable. lifestyles is a secret to be lived not a topic to be solved, as a result mysteries are a factor of my lifestyles. many things i'm unable to even comprehend, as my ideas does not have the means. some issues like non-actual fact, my ideas CAN conceptualize.i could decide for to comprehend what god did that so enraged you. if god is each little thing, he could desire to be of the darkish section too. without wars there could be no generals or brave infantrymen, no sickness? no docs or well known surgeons, dying and start are basically 2 components of comparable coin,
2009-03-06 2:18 am
Real preppy is what you just showed me.

SOMETIMES (I stress sometimes), I think some of the kids who where Abercrombie ARE preppy, they just decided to wear cheaper clothes.
2009-03-06 2:09 am

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