why are foreigners so jealous of us Chinese?

2009-03-06 12:53 am

回答 (7)

2009-03-06 1:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
Chinese, The Most Envied Race/Civilization

huge land, a pure race, culturely, great economy, great technology, strong military and nukes, most thoughtful leaders, independent political system, physically superior(olympics), superpower

the huge land and pure race combination is enough. mutts (americans), and losers from failed races/civilizations(small countries) envy and fear the pure and mighty Chinese race
2009-03-06 11:44 am
I have not found foreigners to be jealous of Chinese. Where do you get your ideas from? Your imagination?
2009-03-08 6:12 pm
Although China is fastly changed,there are still many disadvantages
2009-03-07 3:34 pm
Whoa! Hold on my fellow Chinaman!

I think what you are saying is on the right vein but your choice of wording could be better. Try this one on for size brother..

"Why is there so much anti-Chinese sentiment in the Western media? Is it because they fear supplanting by China as world superpower?"

Answer: We look different. We talk different. We don't share the same history.

What man does not understand, man fears. What man fears, man kills.

You'll get higher minded answers from higher minded people.
2009-03-07 1:39 pm
stop barking about foreigners! we ain't jealous of china, we are just here to study, do business and travel unlike chinese who are in every country. what makes you think you are better?
2009-03-07 6:39 pm
because it's your own opinion which is far from the truth...
2009-03-06 8:56 am
Based on what?

Who are you talking about?

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