moving to china im scared?

2009-03-05 5:08 pm
what can be sure of when i get there but i cant speak there language and my whole family is moving there because of my dads job what can i do there and is there football and baseball

回答 (15)

2009-03-06 3:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
There IS baseball in China. Baseball is not "for US domestic use only"... it's actually a lot more popular in East Asia than in other places like Europe and Africa (where it is virtually non-existent). Admittedly, baseball is far more popular in Japan than China, but it still exists in China.

In fact, I have a 60-year-old photograph of my grandfather playing baseball at school in China in the late 1940s!! (That was before the communists took over and after the Japanese left.)

China's Premier (Prime Minister) Wen Jiabao can also play baseball.

However... there is definitely no American football.
2009-03-05 5:16 pm
What city are you moving to? In Shanghai, there's a group that organizes sports leagues for foreign kids, including baseball, soccer, basketball and other activities (not American style football, though). My son participated in it when we were there. Here's the link:

There may be similar organizations in other large cities. Good luck!
2009-03-07 1:21 am
You can't speak English too well either! lol... Don't worry. You will find many Chinese that speak English. China is Fun. Many Bars carry Football and Soccer. Baseball and other games. You can also get sports on a computer. HAVE FUN. Make friends!
2009-03-05 7:27 pm
Moving to another country can be scary. But consider that you still have your parents, so sense of familiarity is still maintained. To make it less stressful on yourself, it's advisable to read up on the country itself, get familiar with the custom, the lifestyle, places to go, things to do, etc. Learn a little Chinese, bring stuff that you will need while there but not easily found there. Create online accounts so you can still keep in touch with friends from back home, Skype, or Yahoo IM, etc.
2016-10-05 9:50 am
i'm particular you will do effective in usa. people tend to love people from different worldwide places. childrens at my college are constantly very speedy to befriend substitute pupils or people who've in simple terms moved. Your accessory will help you very much in this united states of america, because of the fact maximum people love the British accessory. As for the activities, somewhat some women over indexed right here are very athletic. I even comprehend somewhat some that decide for to connect the army in simple terms such as you. i think of people would be very attracted to attending to renowned you, so attempt your proper to no longer hassle. good luck on the pass! i'm hoping you will like it over right here :)
2009-03-06 5:38 pm
If you move to Shanghai, you'll love it. It's a great experience. A lot of people are trying to learn chinese because there's so much business oppurtunity there. You won't be disappointed.

It may be hard to adapt in the beginning but you'll enjoy it.

I went to International School in shanghai. I met some many people from the USA and UK. I even ran into them in college.
參考: personal experience
2009-03-06 2:38 am
of course there is football and baseball. you can find any sport you want there. by football you mean soccer? ya, that's very popular. but if you mean american football, that could be a little hard to find...
learning the language maybe a little hard for you since it is completely different language system. but you'll be fine, people are friendly. have fun there, depends on the city you are moving to, there are lots of place to hang out. and i'm pretty sure in the big cities(if that's where you are going), there are always a couple of bars/clubs for western people(if you are old enough.)
參考: born chinese
2009-03-06 1:25 am
If you are referring to American Football, none. Soccer, yes. Baseball yes, but not too many people play it.
2009-03-06 12:21 am
You will love China i am sure.
2009-03-05 11:12 pm
how can you be scared before trying it?...
try and then start panic...

you didn't indicate the city so it's hard to answer your question but i'm sure you'll manage to find some local foreigners and arrange your own team...

they have plenty of football fields and basketball playgrounds, but as for baseball -- beep, not this one... USA domestic use only...

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