integer partition problem

2009-03-05 11:16 pm
Show that the number of incongruent triangles with integer sides and perimeter n is given by
p(n-3 | parts in {2,3,4})

應該是用generating function

回答 (2)

2009-03-06 1:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
A triangle with integer sides and perimeter n is in one to one correspondence with the solutions of the equation
x+y+z = n
with x,y,z being positive integers, x=<y=<z, x+y>z.
Replacing x by x-1, y by y-1, z by z-1, this is the same as the solutions of
x+y+z = n-3
with x,y,z =>0, x=<y=<z, x+y= >z.
We construct a bijection of these set of solutions to partitions of n-3 into 2,3,4 by a Ferrer graph as follows:
given a solution x,y,z as above, draw a Ferrer graph with the first row having z dots, the second row having y dots, and the third row having x dots.
cut the tail of the first row so that the first two rows have the same lenght. Place the tail part on the fourth row.
Flip this graph, we get a partition of n-3 into 2,3,4.
Conversely, starting with a partition of n-3 into 2,3,4, we can reverse the above process (ie, flip the graph and attach the fourth row to the end of the first row) and get a solution of x+y+z=n-3.
It is obvious that x,y,z => 0, and x=<y=<z. Also, before combining the 1st and the 4th row, the first two row are the same and the 4th row is shorter than or equal to the 3rd row. Therefore, we see that x+y => z. Hence this solution satisfies the required conditions.
These two process are inverse of each other. Hence, the process is indeed a bijection.
Therefore the two numbers in the question are equal.

2009-03-05 18:09:45 補充:
用算式表達,partition of n-3 into parts of 2,3,4 is a nonnegative soluiton of
Then we can construct the bijection between {(x,y,z)} and {(a,b,c)} as
x=b+c, y=a+b+c, z=2a+b+c.
It is easy to check that it is a well defined bijection
2009-03-05 11:30 pm

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