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《聯合國憲章》第一條之(二): 二、發展國際間以尊重人民平等權利及自決原則為根據之友好關系,並採取其他適當辦法,以增強普遍和平。
Herzel convened the First Zionist Congress, in 1897 in Basel, Switzerland. After the Basel Congress the rabbis of Vienna decided to explore Herzl's ideas and sent two representatives to Palestine.
This fact-finding mission resulted in a cable from Palestine in which the two rabbis wrote, "The bride is beautiful, but she is married to another man." (Avi Shlaim, "The Iron Wall", p.3) 有關Avi Shlaim的資料:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avi_Shlaim
親以歷史學家Martin Gilbert(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Gilbert)在他的 "Israel, A History" (pp 16-17)說: When the second Zionist Congress opened on 28 August 1898, again at Basle, the number of delegates had more than doubled.
Amid the enthusiasm of the Second Congress, and the realization that the Zionist movement was gaining in size and respectability, little attention was paid to a report from one of the delegates, Leo Motzkin, who had just returned from Palestine.
In his speech he stressed the 'established fact that the most fertile parts of our land are occupied by Arabs'. He even gave the figure of 650,000 for the number of Arabs, and warned of 'inunumerable clashes between Jews and incited Arabs' that had taken place there.
以色列人Ami Isseroff 寫的 Population of Ottoman and Mandate Palestine(http://www.mideastweb.org/palpop.htm)指出:The lowest estimates claim there were about 410,000 Arab Muslims and Christians in Palestine in 1893. A Zionist estimate claimed there were over 600,000 Arabs in Palestine. in the 1890s.
At this time, the number of Jewish immigrants to Palestine was still negligible by all accounts. It is unlikely that Palestinian immigration prior to this period was due to Zionist development. 1893年時猶太人移民仍然 negligible by all accounts,巴勒斯坦人人口,最低估計也已達約 410,000人。在此之後,雖有阿拉伯人移入,也不會很多。
順便一提,那個1893年的最低估計(約 410,000人)乃出自奧斯曼帝國的“Census”,該文稱:“The Ottoman figures certainly undercounted.”學術界也普遍認為奧斯曼帝國當時的普查嚴重低估實際人數(主要是數少大量女性及小孩)。 一個嚴重偏低的數也證明後來的巴勒斯坦人絕大部份是原居民後代,巴勒斯坦人是這裡的主人翁是無可置疑的事實。
任何人都明白很多土地都曾有多個民族居住及擁有主權,如果一塊土地歷史上任何一個曾經居住的民族都擁有該塊土地,天下大亂。是故一般只承認長久之來直至目前仍然居住的民族為該土地地的主人翁,從這個角去看,直至 20 世紀中,巴勒斯坦人一直是巴勒斯坦這片土地的主人,這是不容置疑的事實,因為巴勒斯坦人一直住在這裡而猶太只是在千幾年前曾經一度擁有這裡的主權。更何況巴勒斯坦人應該是最早在這裡居住的迦南人(連同非利士人)的後裔!