
2009-03-05 11:06 pm

回答 (2)

2009-03-06 3:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) works by a beam of electrons, emitted from an electron gun, striking on a fluorsecent screen. Phosphor on the screen is then excited by the energetic electrons and gives out visible light.
Since the elctrons, on striking the screen, undergo a decceleration. According to classical electromagnetic theory, part of the kinetic energy of the electrons will turn into electromagnetic waves. Given the operation energy of electrons in a typical CRT of about 10 keV, soft X-rays will be produced.

2009-03-05 11:52 pm
你是指會發出那一類幅射? 還是你想問crt 會發出幅射?所有電腦產品均會發出幅射, 問題在於強弱, 及有否致命危險

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