
2009-03-05 9:40 pm
does exocytosis requires energy??

回答 (1)

2009-03-05 11:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The short answer is: Yes. Exocytosis requires energy.

The long answer is:

Exocytosis can be constitutive (occurring all the time) or regulated. In either case, exocytosis requires the fusion of membrane. Membrane fusion requires energy and the interaction of special "adaptor" molecules present on both the vesicle and plasma membrane. The adapter molecules are highly selective and only allow vesicles to fuse with membranes of particular organelles, thus preventing harm to the cell. Once the appropriate adapter molecules bind to each other (docking), energy stored and released by ATP forms a fusion pore between the vesicle membranes and plasma membrane. The contents of the vesicle are released to the exterior of the cell (or the interior of an organelle) as the fusion pore widens. The vesicle ultimately becomes part of the plasma membrane or is recycled back to the cytoplasm.
參考: self and gf

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