Why do women choose to gain so much weight during their pregnancy?

2009-03-04 6:45 pm
and then not lose it and complain about how fat they are? how come women think they can use pregnancy as an ewxcuse to do nothing and have as much food as they want and not exercise? why do women gain 50+ pounds during a pregnancy? all y0u really need to gain is 10. geez.

回答 (29)

2009-03-04 6:55 pm
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Frank, I question your motives to ask these questions. How many women are you disgusted by that have gained too much weight (in your opinion), not exercised and use it as an "excuse"? Who informed you that gaining only 10 pounds was healthy for the Momma or the baby? Stop obsessing and go for a run, it's healthier.
2009-03-04 6:51 pm
The average woman gains about 25-30 pounds during a pregnancy actually. More if they are underweight to begin with, less if they were overweight.

That being said, some women do get a little out of control eating whatever they want all the time instead of eating healthier for themself and their baby.

But before you judge, have YOU ever had a baby? Women's bodies are completely reshaped after a pregnancy sometimes, and losing that baby weight can be extremely difficult.
2009-03-04 6:51 pm
that is funny that you think "women" choose to gain weight. I hope that is a general question and you dont mean all. I gained 50 lbs with my first and only 20 with the other two.. Lost it each time. And only needing to gain 10lbs that is a dream from you. My kids were born all greater than 10lbs..lol.. can you imagine me trying to only gain 10lbs they would have been born malnourished and probably something wrong. Maybe you should read up on pregnancy.
2009-03-04 6:51 pm
All you really need to gain is 10 huh? Well lets see if you had a 7 pound baby which is average, 2-4 pounds for amniotic fluid. 1-2 pounds for breast engorgement and 2-3 pounds for the placenta. So if you managed to only gain those things and no more that would be 15-20 pounds depending on the weight of the baby and the bigger the baby the more fluid and placenta you have too.
2009-03-04 6:52 pm
wow! That was some pretty uneducated stuff you are spewing!

Medically - a woman who is at a healthy weight needs to gain about 25-30 lbs. This is for her body to be able to breastfeed and for the childs nutrition and growth while developing. Women underweight need to gain a little more and women overweight obviously need to gain less.

And not ALL women gain 50 lbs or use pregnancy as an excuse to eat - a lot actually learn to eat better and look and feel better after pregnancy because of it!

It sounds like you need to do some research before you make comments like this on a blog for women who are pregnant, trying to get pregnant or were pregnant at one time.
2009-03-04 7:27 pm
Well, there is a way to gain only 10 pounds...that's if the woman was so sick in the first trimester that she lost 15+ pounds. For example, starting weight 125, lost 15 in first trimester = 110, then gained the healthy 25, she'll be at 135. So from start to finish,she only gained 10 pounds (135 - 125). But that would mean she'll be throwing up constantly, bedridden and not eating anything for the first 3 months. I am sure most woman would rather gain the healthy weight than be that sick.
2009-03-04 6:52 pm
Um no sweet heart, it is recommended that we gain at least 20 pounds. The baby usually weighs between 5 and 10 pounds, that doesn't include the water, and the sack that the baby is in which can weigh up to 10 pounds itself. It would be very unhealthy to gain less that 15 pounds during pregnancy. Alot of women can't exercise during pregnancy, doctors recommend that we keep it very light, not lifting more than 10 pounds. Plus our backs hurt, we're nauseous for weeks on end, and there is nothing wrong with a little indulgence, we crave because we're lacking. I think you should try being pregnant before you go around thinking you know it all! ALOT and I mean ALOT of women have trouble loosing all the baby weight after pregnancy, and maybe if you weren't such an *** hole, she'd feel alot better about her self. It's hard as hell to have a new born and hit the gym while your va jay jay is still shrinking back down!
2009-03-04 7:09 pm
WOW....U seem to have some serious issues.

Better yet why dont you get pregnant carry a baby for 9 months and see if all u gain is 10 freakin pounds.

Wait not possible is it. Because men are to weak to carry a child and give birth to it which is y us women do it. SMDH

The weight from carrying the baby,placenta,amniotic sac& fluid, and water weight is any where from 20-30 lbs so where do u get 10lbs from?

U really should do some research before you come on here being insulting not knowing what the heck your talking about!!!!
參考: COMMON SENSE!!!!!!!!!!
2009-03-04 8:21 pm
We don't "chose" to gain the weight. I ate only when I was hungry and I strictly followed my pregnancy diet; still I gained 55 pounds. I denied myself junk food, fried foods, and sweets and I still gained that much. However, I lost 60 pounds in 6 1/2 months after she was born without trying.
2009-03-04 7:27 pm
First off,it's recommended to gain at least 20-35 lbs moron. I gained 70 with my daughter,and I lost it all. It's really mean to say stuff how you are,and I don't understand why you are. Don't your relize we have a hard enough time feeling good about ourselves? It's men like you that destroy women's self esteem. It's not right. The estimated weight gain is 20-35 lbs. Grow up. Mature. Get less Superficial.

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