Which country is better India or Sri Lanka?

2009-03-04 4:23 pm

回答 (7)

2009-03-04 5:12 pm
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I think it's very hard to make a comparison between tiny Sri Lanka and massive India, which has many cultures, languages, tribes and regions - some as developed and wealthy as the west, and others as poor as Nigeria. The average Sri Lankan is probably better-off than the average Indian, but India also has the world's highest number of millionaires (or so I hear).

Personally, I think I would prefer to live in Sri Lanka rather than India simply because I'm Buddhist and Sri Lanka is a predominantly Buddhist country whereas the predominant religions in India are Hinduism and Islam. I definitely wouldn't want to live in the northern part of Sri Lanka though... civil war going on there (though it might have ended... haven't been up to date with the news lol)
2009-03-05 1:47 pm
Sri Lanka
2009-03-05 12:25 pm
i don't like india cause of religious extremism there.hindu extremists usually attacks christians,muslims.rceently hundreds of christians were murdered openly and indian government watched happily.also in 2002 hindu extremists attacked muslims and killed thousands..
sri lanka might be poor but they don't go about killing minorities.
2009-03-08 12:30 am
2009-03-06 7:50 am
Both are amazingly good nations!
btw why you ppl ask such ques???
2009-03-06 7:48 am
both are unsafe
2009-03-04 4:29 pm

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