
2009-03-05 3:19 am
我要揾10種係中式麵粉嘅 homework!!!

回答 (2)

2009-03-05 10:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
由於你所說的"中式麵粉"解釋不太清楚,究竟是指有關日常煮食所用的麵粉類型產品,還是中式煮法的粉麵? 所以在此提供了我所理解到的資料給你作為參考:

麵粉: Plain flour
低筯麵粉 / 蛋糕麵粉 : Cake flour / Low gluten flour/ Low protein flour
中筯麵粉: Plain flour / All purpose flour
高筯麵粉 / 麵包麵粉 : Bread flour / High gluten flour
無筋麵粉: Gluten-free flour
粘米粉: Rice flour
糯米粉: Glutinous rice flour
自發粉: Self raising flour
澄粉/澄麵: Wheat flour/ Wheat starch
梳打粉: Baking soda / Bicarbon of soda
泡打粉: Baking powder
炸粉: Fired powder
蕃薯粉: Sweet potato starch
粟粉: Corn starch
生粉/太白粉/木薯粉: Tapioca starch
酵母粉/依士粉: Active dried yeast / Fast action bread yeast
網址提供: http://vegetarian.v-win.com.hk/05/05-01.htm

蝦子撈麵: Egg Noodle with Dried Shrimp Paste
味菜牛柳絲炒麵: Fried Noodle with Shredded Beef & Assorted Vegetables
擔擔麵: Noodle with Hot Meat Sauce in Sichuan Style
魚香茄子燘伊麵: Braised E-fu Noodle with Eggplant and Minced Pork
豉油皇炒麵: Stir-Fried Noodle with Soya Sauce
韭王肉絲炒麵: Fried Noodle with Shredded Pork and Chive
羅漢齋炒麵: Fried Egg Noodle with Mixed Vegetables
XO醬干炒牛肉河: Fried Rice Flat Noodle with Beef and XO Sauce
三絲炒(米)河: Stir-Fired (Vermicelli) Rice Flat Noodle with Assorted Shreds
豉汁排骨炒河: Fired Rice Flat Noodle with Spareribs
雪菜肉絲湯(米)麵Shredded Pork and Preserve Vegetable with (Vermicelli) Noodle in Soup
雪菜火鴨絲湯窩(米)麵Roasted Duck and Preserve Vegetable with (Vermicelli) Noodle in Soup
榨菜肉絲湯(米)麵Shredded Pork and Preserved Szechwan Pickle with (Vermicelli) Noodle in Soup
蟹肉乾燒伊麵: Braised E-fu Noodles with Crab Meat
鴻圖窩伊麵: Braised E-fu Noodles with Crab Meat in Soup
參考: 網上+自己意見
2009-03-12 12:31 am
多謝支持! ^_^

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