
2009-03-04 11:27 pm
小弟5月尾會去一次英國, 為期一星期, 已BOOK 機票, LONDON落機, 回程都係LONDON 上機, 但係未PLAN路線, 希望有高手可以指教一下路線可以點行(小弟主要想睇風景, 非為購物), 謝謝

回答 (4)

2009-03-06 6:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
You can check the below website.


I would suggest you to buy London Pass and Oyster Card (such as Octopus card in HK).

Below please find my travel plan of London in 2006 for your reference.

Day 1: London Eye, Thames River Side, HMS Belfast, London Bridge, Tower of London

Day 2: Kensington Palace, Sherlock Holmes Museum, St. Paul Catherdal, St. Paul Cahterdal Square, Jewel Tower, Banqueting House, Wellington Museum, Wellington Arch, Backingham Palace, Leichester Garden, Covent Garden Market

Day 3: Hampton Court Palace (the garden is really beautiful!!!), Winsor Castle, Winsor Castle Square

Day 4 - Day 6: Liverpool & Manchester (visit friends)

Day 7 : British Museum, Westminster Abbey, Big Ben.

I used 3-day London Pass for Day 1-3, then I visit the museums and palaces. British Museum is free for entry.

As you have 7 days in London, then you can 2-3 days to travel Oxford or Cambridge. If not, then you can purchase 6-day london pass and select more attractions in London such as Madame Tussauds, Shakespeare Globe Theatre, Royal Mews, Kew Gardens, etc.
參考: europe solo traveller
2009-03-13 3:56 pm
I'd suggest you to visit the following cities

1. London (5 stars)
2. Cambridge (5 stars)
3. York (4 stars)
4. Edinburgh (4 stars)

The following cities you can skip

1. Manchester / Birmingham (they have a big shopping mall, China totown..then..no more)

2. Oxford (It is nice to go to Oxford if you never been to Cambridge..but once you visited both places, you would know Oxford is not really nice).

3. Bath (nothing special)

4. Glasgow (It looks like Causeway Bay in HK, nothing special...just a lot of ppl on high street)
參考: I live in uk since 2003
2009-03-06 8:21 am


2009-03-04 11:38 pm

【醫學研究 :代餐】(研究結果表明膳食代餐是減重的有效方法)


我做文職, 133磅, 用咗簡單經濟既方法!減左22磅,改善頭痛,胃痛,暈車浪, 靜脈曲脹

我個女14歲由小到大肥胖, 三個月減20磅.改善經常鼻敏感, 流鼻血, 讀書仲好咗, 仲拿第一添.



一杯營養代餐相當於33種蔬菜, 6種水果,內含200多種營養素,蛋白素相等於5錢燕窩、2份蔬菜、1份水果、1塊牛扒同半杯鮮奶!


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