
2009-03-04 3:39 pm
I am seeking mini-pupillage for the summer period this year and I am intending to make written application letters to chambers.

I understand that I should apply for famous chambers with barristers which are really experienced.

However, when writing up the coving letters,

(1) what should I write about the chamber/the barrister as I do not know anything about them/ he or she is famous for?
(2)How can I choose a particular chamber if i even dont know which areas of law/cases they are involving?

Can anyone list out the most famous chambers in hongkong with the areas of law that they are practising/famous for?

e.g. XXX chambers (criminal law)
YYY chambers (family law)...

Thanks very much!!

回答 (1)

2009-03-05 5:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. you should write about yourself instead of writing about the chambers. frankly they know what they do and in what field they are good at. they do not need you to tell them. rather they would like to know more about you!
2. each chamber is made up of different barristers specialising in various fields of law. some barristers do not have a speciality at all. there is no one chamber which wholly specialises in criminal law nor there is one which wholly specialises in civil litigation. for example, "temple chambers" is a very famous set of chambers for civil litigation barristers such as ronny tong, but you can still find barristers in this chamber who would do criminal cases. "baskerville chambers" (kevin egan's chamber, nicknamed "惡人谷") is a well known set of chambers of barristers specialising in criminal law, especially against the icac, but one or two of them would also take on civil cases.
when you apply to a chamber for mini-pupillage you really have no choice in what field you want to try for. applications are numerous and competition is fierce. so you would be lucky if you are accepted by one. however you can indeed mention in your application that you are more interested in civil / criminal law, and the barrister who deals with pupillage would try to find someone in his chambers who suits you. alternatively when you apply for m-p directly to a barrister you can first look him up in the bar list and see whether he specialises in civil or criminal law.

2009-03-04 21:06:16 補充:
one hint: the world of bars is very different from that of solicitors. seniority is very important in the bar profession whereas solicitors do not really care about seniority.

2009-03-04 21:06:42 補充:
so the members' list of a chamber is listed according to hierarchy, ie. senior bars at the top and junior ones at the bottom of the list.

2009-03-04 21:06:55 補充:
that's why if you are applying directly to a barrister of a certain chamber you need only apply to the ones at the top of the list. the ones at the bottom usually are not ready / qualified to take on pupils, yet.
參考: Veni - Vidi - Vici

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