成立有限公司 風險問題

2009-03-04 10:02 am
成立有限公司 風險問題

問題 :

我成立 ABC 有限公司

註冊股本為 10,000 股 ($10,000)
發行股本 1 股 ($1)

得我 1 個人, 我共持有 1 股, 我同時擔任董事及股東

甘算吾算糸叫獨資經管 ?? (好似無限公司甘)

甘如果公司生意出了問題, 會不會影響到我私人名持有的物業同財產 ??

因為我見有 d 網話如果公司得 1個股東... 可能會個人償付公司債務....

甘風險米同無限公司一樣 ??? 又系要上身.....

以下糸我 search 到的, 請專業人仕幫幫忙解答... 謝謝 !!!


回答 (2)

2009-03-05 6:06 pm
A limited company is a separate legal person. The number of directors and shareholders are only the internal arrangement or management of that limited company. In the ordinary course of business, the shareholder(s) are not liable for any loss incurred by the company save only his investment in this company becomes zero. No further obligation to contribute for the loss thereof. A limited company with only 1 shareholder and 1 director is different to that of the sole-proprietor business, an unlimited liability firm.
In the ordinary course of business, if the director(s) is/are acting in good faith, he/they are not liable for any damages, loss of the company either unless the contrary is proved. Your comment on the minimum number of shareholders is somehow unusual. If there are 2 shareholders already, the other shareholder wishing to sell out his shares must get a buyer (transferee) to take over his shares or else, the position will be as it is, 2 shareholders. If the shares are taken over by the remaining sole shareholder, he could transfer 1 share to other to hold the share in trust of him so as to meet the minimum 2-shareholders requirement as stated in the Articles of the company.
2009-03-04 6:09 pm
由於你間公司得一個股東同董事,當你資金週轉不靈而被迫令清盤時,債權人好多時就會告欺詐﹝Fraudulent Trading),因為你唔會唔清楚自己公司財務狀況﹝其實就算你有兩個人或以上同樣會有人以同樣方法去告你!﹞。你設立公司唔係要逃避責任,所以你應該先計劃好至行動,而你如果有一個好嘅會計師可以幫你避免一啲不必要的麻煩。

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