Size difference between American and Kmen?

2009-03-04 6:29 am
Do the k's have a complex about this?

urmom- ew, nasty anyways my wife is an American citizen

回答 (8)

2009-03-04 6:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
When talking about height I think they do because generally Korean women (all women really) like taller men. But, in the last decade Korean men are getting taller. When I first arrived in Korea back in 1996 I almost never saw a guy taller than me---I'm 6'3". On my university campus I pass a few who are about my same height or even taller these days.

When talking about weight, I think Korean men are generally proud of being more fit than most Americans.

If you're referring to downstairs, I have a gyopo buddy who I think probably says it best. He will always answer this question the following way:

Are you half-Korean?
Yes, but only above the belt.
參考: Experience in Korea.
2009-03-04 10:24 am
Why do you care if you are happily married to your wife?
參考: You and the Busan professor guy should found an "I-hate-Korean-men" club otherwise known as "Dorky American Expats in Korea".
2009-03-04 9:03 am
Which American?
There are so many different types of Americans.
參考: You sure ask some mature questions.
2009-03-04 9:08 am
1) Ask your Korean wife.
There must've been a reason why she didn't use you for a US Green Card and actually decided to stay in Korea for you to b*tch about the country all the time on Yahoo! as some foreign English teacher degrading another race.

2) Upload some photos of yourself for all of us to rate..
and I'm NOT talking about your face. =)

3) Korean men and [white] American men both suck in bed.
Reason: They're both circumcised.
2009-03-04 10:43 am
Actually, I've always felt that Korean men are very tall. It's all relative, you know... Korean men are probably the tallest in Asia, the younger ones are a good 3 or so inches taller than their Chinese or Japanese counterparts on average. In Hong Kong and Southern China, the average man's height seems to be around 5 feet 7 inches.

... Not that it matters to me, as long as my boyfriend is taller than me (which he is), it doesn't matter if he's 5 feet 7 (which he is, again) or 6 feet 3. Why should he have a "complex" about being shorter than American men? He's obviously still taller than Asian women.
2009-03-04 8:21 pm
Busan Man,

Generally every women in the world (all women really) like taller men

When talking about everything,
I think American men in Korea generally care what Korean men think of them

Actually most ordinary Korean men don't even care about foreigners

6'3" is considered very tall for a guy, Everywhere.
2009-03-04 12:10 pm
I'm bigger than my husband (I'm a Western GIRL!). No issues. lolololol xx
2016-10-25 11:13 pm
hi, a million) some alterations in pronunciation on some words besides as particular words having distinct meanings as we do in English. 2) maximum folk of Spanish talking people stay in Latin u . s . of america. i'm fluent in Spanish yet don't have any issue talking with people from Spain. in the experience that they arise with a be conscious or word i do not understand I in basic terms ask. there is clearly the Castilian dialect, extremely distinct yet no longer that many use it it type of feels so studying it in detail looks a moot aspect. Cheers, Michael Kelly

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