How common is infidelity in Japan?

2009-03-04 5:47 am
Anyone have any figures? Any stories? Thanks.

回答 (8)

2009-03-04 7:02 am
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There are several version in infidelity as concept. Just generally speaking imo to Japanese married couples as below.

Because Japan is not Christian religious oriented country and the affair itself doesn't mean any illegality without any civil action, it seems that it is pretty difficult to figure the real scores in Japan.

Furthemore, Buddhism is quite generous to indifidelity so some extent too. I mean even it is prohibited to do just fun inconstantly to anybody, Buddha allowed people to do even if they have really love(or mercy) to do so.

It seems that is quite sensitive and unique morality and ethical flexiibility. I don't know if still Japanese are mainly influenced by this kind of religious concept or not though but it seems somehow still it remains anyway.

Of course, both Shintoism and Buddhism warn to keep moderation in life but there is no heavy penalty to infidelity itself. I think those religion might take more significant priority to some other principles to advocate its religious justification for people.

Adultery is not so uncommon in Japan and at the same time, there is still sort of conservative mind as man should be unfaithful naturally as far as he is still stud if he is so vigorous to well enough dominate and manage over the family in elder generation there in Japan.

The younger generation on the contrary looks so much more faithful to each other along with the spirit of the equality of mutual sexes. Or otherwise, woman may become to be more unfaithful equally in a degree.

However, it seems Japanese wives don't want to sleep with different man from his husband often rather than some other Western countries ones. That is why In Japanese there is no one-word to the meaning of cuckold actually.
2009-03-04 1:14 pm
I can say that married women can have affairs too. There are "love hotels" all over Japan for having a private space for couples who either live at home with their parents or want a place to have an affair. I had a brief romance with a married woman because her husband was terrible to her. I don't think she would have had the affair with me if I was staying longer than I did. Women are just much better at keeping secrets than men are.
2009-03-05 3:52 am
very common, even if the guys are unexperienced they tend to cheat. Hard to believe it because they most of the time look very innocen.
2009-03-04 9:10 am
Eastern religions are far less moralistic and judgemental than Christian ones. It is much more live and let live. Infidelity does not have the stigma it does in Christian countries. On the other hand it is not acceptable for a husband to leave his wife for the other woman.
2017-02-17 9:55 am
參考: Fix A Broken Marriage
2016-04-15 11:42 am
Yes, it is, but it also varies a lot. For instance, certain professions are more likely to cheat than others, Lutherans and Catholics (US) are less likely to cheat than other religious groups, although that is changing with the influx of so many hispanics. Cheating apparently is more common in the Bible Belt than in the liberal north (and that one I don't understand AT ALL). The last thing I heard from any kind of study was that fewer men cheat today than 20 years ago (rough estimate was about 60%). Also, keep in mind that when they say cheating, they mean at least once. Many never cheat again. These studies referred to marital cheating. I would say that those in relationships have no definite commitment, so cheating is much more rampant.

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2009-03-04 10:36 am
Just wanted to add to bluemoonmemory's post:

That was actually quite enlightening, bluemoonmemory. Whilst infidelity seems to be somewhat "accepted" for Japanese men and has no legal consequences in Japan, it is actually punishable by imprisonment in South Korea.

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