Could you live your whole life without socks or closed-toe shoes?

2009-03-03 10:55 pm
You might be wondering why I'm asking this. Well, here goes...

I have a classmate who's from India. I've never seen her wearing closed-toe shoes or socks. She wears flip-flops and sandals to class throughout winter, even when it was snowing here in London.

One day I asked her if her feet weren't cold and why she didn't wrap her feet up warmly. She replied that she just wasn't used to socks and closed-toe shoes. She was always barefoot back at home, and after she bought her first pair of closed-toe shoes in England, she felt really uncomfortable and confined in them and never wore them again despite the freezing cold.

I was actually quite shocked that she never wore socks or closed-toe shoes in the 18 years of her life before she came to England. I guess it's only normal given the climate in India. And after some thought, I figured that I'd also wear flip-flops all year round and never wear socks if I lived somewhere like Singapore. After all, that's what I did during my summer holidays in Taiwan.

So... that's why I wanted to ask you this question! It might also help to say where you're from! Thanks ^^

To imagine and troupe: Yeah... Florida... cold... uh huh -_-

回答 (5)

2009-03-03 11:04 pm
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My toes would fall off if I did that. I live in Minnesota...I take the bus and walk through the coldest months of winter...yeah that would be bad. I couldn't do it.

Now if I lived somewhere warmer, maybe I could do it. I'd like to try living in a warmer climate at some point in my life, just because it would be such a drastic change from how I've grown up.

Edit: Oh. My. Goodness. Someone in Floria just complained about it being cold. Wow. Yeah, cold and Florida. Funny joke. ;p
2009-03-03 11:02 pm
i dont like shoes. i like to move my toes around. i get irritated if i cant. i have to wear them to work.. but once im off, so are they.
2009-03-03 10:59 pm
I live in Boston Massachusetts, have for my entire life, and if I could I would go barefoot. All year.
I just really don't like shoes or socks, they're too confining for me.
2009-03-03 11:00 pm
i would die without my closed-toe shoes
i live in florida but right now its kinda cold but compared with england its probably really hot right now here lol
2009-03-03 11:01 pm
Urm... Suppose i'd just get used to what i'm used to =] ....wouldn't be impossible.x.

Have a staaar

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