Food or sex? Which is better?

2009-03-03 10:52 pm
Which is better food or sex?

回答 (50)

2009-03-03 10:55 pm
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There both great
2009-03-03 10:55 pm
Right now food, because I've never had sex and won't until I get married.
參考: 22 years old, and still waiting for my husband-to-be to show up
2009-03-03 10:55 pm
Food. By far. I can't live for a day without food. I've already lived 20 years without sex ;)
2009-03-03 10:55 pm
Sex with food.
2009-03-03 10:56 pm
Food because not everything is about sex.
2009-03-04 1:25 am talking involved
2009-03-03 11:03 pm
Depends on the food or the man! Its a toss up sometimes, I'd rather have have great food then bad sex.
2009-03-03 11:01 pm
As I have gotten older, sex has got better, but ironically I don't want sex as much, ha ha. It's more of the quality not the quantity. So I can take it or leave it, but offer me a piece of cheesecake, I will take it hands down.LOL

Food wins.
2009-03-03 10:57 pm
Sex including food! Get the best of both worlds yummy!
2009-03-03 10:56 pm
Food..... I just can't help it lol!

I also think food and sex shouldn't be mixed :D
2009-03-03 10:55 pm
Sex is way better then any food in the whole world!!

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