Wow I really need help.. haha?

2009-03-03 9:16 pm
I'm sorry if this is so long but, I really like a boy named Chris. I've liked him for about 5 months. He's really shy, like really really shy and he's like, emotionless haha. Meaning, he doesn't really open up too easily but I seem to have broke that with him. In other words, he opens up to me a little bit now. My friend, Alex, asked him one day if he liked me, and he said "not really" but my friend Lo told me she thinks he's just saying that because he knows me and Alex are like brother and sister and we tell each other everything. So, he won't tell the truth because he's so shy. I seriously don't know why I like him so much. I've sat down and thought about it, but I have no idea. He's so nice to me though. And he treats me well. The only thing thats going wrong is the fact that he's so shy. I'm so nervous around him, so I don't want to sit down with him and ask him if he likes me... I feel like he'd think I'm annoying if I ask him... again. Do you think he likes me? Should I talk to him? Should I stop liking him because it's not worth waiting for him? Do I like him too much? I want to wait... but I don't want to pass this moment by you know?

One other thing... I'm not sure why, but the one time I hugged him, my heart started beating wildly and I got butterflies in my stomach and my face got hot... I'm sure he saw me blush :p I'm not falling in love with him I swear, I just... I really like him. I'd be so heartbroken if he didn't like me back. But I don't know why!! I hate it. I've told myself to stop liking him so many times, but some people know what I'm talking about, when I say you can't control your feelings or who you like.

回答 (1)

2009-03-03 9:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You are so cute, and he seems cute too. Hug him and see how he reacts. If he doesn't resist, take the initiative and ask him out on a date a couple of days later.

Aaaaaaawwwwwwwwwww... you're too cute. Can I hug you??? Please, please? <3

Anyway, just be patient. My boyfriend is painfully shy too. Well, so am I. We met when we were 15 (we're 20 now) and it took me 4 years to tell him that I liked him as more than friends. He might NEVER have told me about *his* feelings if I didn't initiate.

Finally, the boy you like would be extremely, extremely stupid if he doesn't fall for you. To be honest, I usually can't stand questions about getting someone to like you... but your cuteness can just about win anyone over. Best of luck!

P.S. Answer my question? Thanks ^^;_ylt=Am7NGr5b4VBy5OqukZRrawvsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090303145502AAwsZjQ

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