i think i may of accidently asked a guy out. i have this friend that i meet about 2 months ago and we text a?

2009-03-03 9:15 pm
lot and one time without thinking i said u know we should hang out sometime and he said ya we should go bowling and now were supposed 2 go bowling over spring break next week i didnt really mean it in that way but i think i do kinda like him that way but idk about him i think hes kinda a flirt like touchy feely with everyone and stuff but idk it just seems worse with me i just have this feeling like he likes me idk if he actually does so im scared if he does like me he thinks this is a date but im not sure if i want it to be one idk i just wanna no if that sounds like a date

回答 (14)

2009-03-03 9:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
... Well, so what? It's perfectly normal for friends, as in normal friends, to go bowling together during spring break.
2016-10-21 5:08 pm
i locate being chuffed and open facilitates different people who're constructive to boot to experience mushy around you. Being a competent man or woman is often an appealing trate, so in simple terms be your self (except...you're some form of maniac) and don't stress and each thing could be allright. i actually may be shy, i'm a sixteen 300 and sixty 5 days previous male, yet i've got triumph over that and that i do have numerous close acquaintances and various different acquaintances who're in simple terms exciting. desire this facilitates. :3
2009-03-03 9:24 pm
K just by the sound of it it's not an "OFFICIAL" date it's more of a lets hang out~ kinda date. So that's not too bad at this point. Try it, see if you like him... no one says 1) gotta see him again or 2) you gotta make-out! It's just two friends hanging out & bowling harmless.... Take it face value if you try & read into it ~ it'll seem weird. =) good luck kick his butt
2009-03-03 9:22 pm
If a girl said to me we should hangout some time... a ? mark would linger in the back of my head... but i'd assume it was a friend to friend thing and see how that "hangingout" went.

Now, if she were to say we should hangout some time... and then wink. That's a whole nother story. I'd really be question myself over her intent then.

Play it as if you meant it just as friends if thats how you want it. If he was expecting a date... and your acting only as a friend and that's it... perhaps he will realize that's all you meant it to be and feel slightly stupid... but nothing will be said about it.

Good luck!
2009-03-03 9:21 pm
i would go and just see what happens who knows he may feel the same way. If he gets too touchy feely tell him to slow down. and what you wear makes a difference on how the "date" goes.
2009-03-03 9:21 pm
It doesn't matter what it is. Just go, have fun, and most importantly, be yourself. Don't worry about the title of what is going on. Even if it is a date, it doesn't mean you have to marry the guy. So if you like him, go out. Take it slow and see where you want it to go. And if you are really uncomfortable invite friends to make it a little more relaxed.
2009-03-03 9:19 pm
omg, yes you did ask him out and just go for it! Even if you think you might like him just go out with him. After you go bowling and you still don't like him, let him know and your problem is solved! And if you do end up liking him, then you are in luck!
2009-03-03 9:19 pm
sounds like a date to me! Go! That wasnt an accident. Tell him hands off lol
2009-03-03 9:19 pm
I just wouldn't even bring it up and if he says something about it, just say you only want to be friends or you haven't decided if you want to date him if you haven't decided that yet.
2009-03-03 9:18 pm
Tell him that it is more like a friend date, nothing personal.

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