hi there if want to live in Tokyo with the salary of 5,209 Euros or about 650,000 yen/month is it enough?

2009-03-03 6:50 pm

回答 (5)

2009-03-03 9:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
That sounds like a really nice salary. I'm training to become a doctor and I'll only be earning that in 15~20 years or so.

5209 euros/650000 yen should be more than enough. You should be able to support a small family (wife + child) in Tokyo with that money, including paying your child's tuition at a private school.

Just don't expect to live the same way as you do in the west, with a detached, two-story house. I grew up in Taipei and Hong Kong. House prices in Hong Kong are similar to those in Tokyo; my father earned around 5000 euros a month and our family of three lived in a (rented) 50 square metre flat. However, my father's income was more than enough to pay for my tuition from primary school through university.

Assuming that Tokyo and Hong Kong property prices are similar, expect to pay around 150,000 yen per month to rent a 50 square metre flat. Budget 20,000 yen/month for transport (price of a month's commuter pass if you're commuting around 20~30km to work), 15000 yen for utilities, and 2000 yen/day = 60000 yen/month for food if you're living alone.

Subtracting rent, transport, utilities and food from your salary leaves you with 405,000 yen - maybe a little less than 300,000 yen after tax - to save or spend as you wish. That's a lot of money!!
2016-10-25 9:53 pm
hey, you'd be cutting it close, even if it really is practicable reckoning on what component to the city you stay. Yokohama can be a more beneficial effective selection and it really is in straightforward words 30-minutes by using practice from Tokyo. I rented a exceptionally tremendous position there close to to the station for ninety,000 yen. obviously, I had to pay 6-months employ in strengthen. yet it really is par for the route right here, besides. i became making 500,000 on the time and nonetheless found myself squeaking by using, even if... in the different case, you may evaluate Oiimachi or Kamata, a couple of minutes practice experience south from Shinagawa station. good luck
2009-03-03 8:07 pm
If it's just you (no family) you can live there for half that, if you're living an average lifestyle.
2009-03-03 8:11 pm
It should be plenty but the company should arrange for your apt since there is a very large deposit on them.
2009-03-03 9:11 pm
f**k YEAH! im a teacher i get paid LESS THAN HALF OF THAT , and i still have a nice lifestyle here, i can save, drink, drink, drink.....(drink). You will probably be around "middle class" , Btw , you wont become a millionaire there, and dont even think of trying to buy a house.
Anyways , good luck

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