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A. The skills of interacting with mentally retarded people
a) Attitude:
Must accept the fact that they are mentally retarded and their special conditions, this will prevent us from fear of communicating with them.
Understand the reason and condition of the difficulty of a mentally retarded person to communicate with normal people, then we can get along with them pretty well.
b) Skills:
1. Listening skills.
i. Concentrate and keep eye contact with them.
ii. Eliminate the disturbance of the environment.
iii. Ask questions to ensure the message is clearly received.
2. Speaking skills.
i. Diction of words and sentences must be simple, direct, and clear.
ii. The speed of speaking should not be too fast.
iii. Use expression, voice, and tone to emphasize your meanings.
iv. Use actions or actual things to assist the mentally retarded to understand better.
v. The contents should be in elated to their age, interests, and lifestyles.
vi. Ask if the mentally retarded person understand your meanings.
vii. Avoid the incoherence of speaking contents and expression styles.
viii. Ask questions.
3. The skills of leading the mentally retarded to express themselves.
i. Encourage their confidence of communicating with the others.
ii, Reward them with real prizes or verbal praises when they take an active role in communicating with the others.
iii. Provide actual things to help them express themselves.
Iv. Ask and clarify constantly.
v. Use actions and expressions.
vi. Concentrate on the contents and develop further.
vii. When changing subjects, one must give sufficient time for the mentally retarded to adapt.
viii. Assisting utilities.
2009-03-04 00:01:11 補充:
I can't put any more contents in the forum, please email me at annyinchan@yahoo.com for the rest of the contents.
2009-03-04 03:10:08 補充:
4. Other concerns
i. You must keep your promises, or else you can’t win the trust of the mentally retarded people.
2009-03-04 03:10:34 補充:
ii. Don’t over indulge the mentally retarded people, should encourage them to accomplish the tasks within their ability.
2009-03-04 03:11:25 補充:
iii. When the mentally retarded people express their feelings, they tend to be more direct and candid. Sometimes they would even sound too enthusiastic and make us feel uncomfortable.
2009-03-04 03:12:27 補充:
iv. Since the expression styles differ from person to person, the workers should get a knowledge of the habits of each mentally retarded individual. In this way, then it’s easier to capture their meanings.