很easy, 高手請

2009-03-04 3:17 am
請問 way cool 同 a spread of food 的meaning

way cool係5係同cool way一樣meaning, why it's way cool??

另, 請問I'm on it. What's the meaning??? 口語


"a spread of food", I saw it on the book.

回答 (1)

2009-03-07 10:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
"way cool" means really really cool...or in layman's term, that just means the person who says it thinks something is really great and fascinating.

Example: That ride is way cool. It does the 360 spin 3 times in a roll!

A similar phrase you may also hear is "way cooler". That's when people are doing a comparison of two "cool" things and found that one of them is "way cooler" than the other.

Example: This new car is way cooler than the one they had last year. Check out the tires on that thing!

"a spread of food" - never heard of it. Do you mean "spread the food"? If so, that just means share the food with everyone.

"I'm on it" means that the person who says it is going to starting doing that something right away, immediately.

Let's say if you ask someone to help you do something and he says "I'm on it". That means he's going to start right away. He's on it!

A similar phrase you may hear is "I'm on top of it". That means the person is well in control of a situation or well informed of something.

參考: self

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 10:22:18
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