廣東話有一句: 好馬不吃回頭草! 用英文會點寫 ?

2009-03-04 1:13 am
用英文會點寫 ?

回答 (6)

2009-03-04 2:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
A good horse never eat the grass behing it,thats mean a good man
never look backward and he will not be shamed after he do
2009-03-13 1:28 am
As a good steed never turns back to graze on a trodden pasture !
2009-03-04 2:54 am
(1)Good horse would never graze on the same pasture it just grazed before.
(2)A good horse will never turn round to graze on an old pasture.
2009-03-04 1:52 am
A good horse will never turn round to graze on an old pasture.
2009-03-04 1:23 am
The actual meaning is :

If you have ability & resigned from a job, you usually dont come back to the same post.
2009-03-04 1:20 am
(1)Good horse would never graze on the same pasture it just grazed before.
(2)A good horse will never turn round to graze on an old pasture.

參考: ME

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