version my sentance..thank you

2009-03-04 12:22 am
我說改改些sentence,,就是這以下這些sentence,還幫我把中間的Chinese words change English words,變回完整段落.謝謝..唔該晒,,thank you so much,無這感激是這樣譯嗎?dumbness to gratitude 真的唔該晒..
I learn English When you sell webmail give me,I can't shop learning English at the time. 當溫完己夠鐘返工了,非常抱歉沒有覆妳的E-mail..I alreay do my research in the library.但這些書的會話題目,不是很理想,我都嘗試借來看看,相信都會有一定幫助,This English lesson is very important to me.because I promise...learn English so better..

回答 (2)

2009-03-06 10:10 pm
Either of them. whichever me like.I do not know how to choose...They are the same is good...only give vote
2009-03-04 1:22 am
I was learning English when you sent me the webmail. I can't stop learning English at that time. When I finished the revision of english, it is time to go to work so I had not replied your email. I am very sorry about this.

I have done my research in the library. Having read the book regarding the conversation topic, I dont think it is satisfactory but it is helpful in some way.

Learning English is important to me because I have promised myself to improve my English

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