英文文法一問 (名字後加 'S 的運用)

2009-03-03 11:47 pm
1) Jean's with us at the moment. The children are loving having her here.
點解JEAN'S 要加個 S? 代表咩 (is, has)?
loving 後又加HAV"ING" ??
2) Eddy said that Tony's crashed his car.
TONY'S 後面又加S?? 為何?? S代表咩??

回答 (3)

2009-03-13 12:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
Jean's = Jean is......

The Children love to having her here . is better

Tony's = Tony has crashed.....

Tony'd = Tony had crashed.....

If we say Tony's car = the car belongs to Tony not Tony is or Tony has or Tony was
2009-03-13 12:29 am
= " Jean is with us."

~ love to do something OR
~ love doing something

are + love => are loving
love + have => love having
So: are + love + have => are loving having
(But I think this expression is a bit strange.)

= "Tony has crashed his car."
2009-03-04 3:19 am
1.加個 's代表係.....(邊個的)
eg.It is Susan's pen.這是蘇珊(的)筆。


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