
2009-03-03 7:46 pm
本人婆婆今年85歲, 曾由香港去美國紐約逗留了 5年, 在上年3月回港, 但所有美國証件已過期 (原先批了只得2年 , 但留了5年 ), 現在在港, 如再想返美國見兒子(兒子在美是非法逗留), 再批有沒有問題呢 ? 需要留意什麼 ? 需否親身去領事館 ?

回答 (3)

2009-03-05 9:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
sorry la,
last time she already became illegal over stay . she can not go to USA again for at least 10 years.
not matter what happen or exception. even her son tomorrow become US citizen she still needed to wait for that 10 years period.
2009-03-05 6:44 am
agree. stay over the period --
within 6 months, will not allow to re-entry US within 3 years
over 6 months, will not allow to re-entry US witnin 10 years.
I don't think that she will get a chance to go to US within 10 years from the time she returns to hk.
2009-03-03 11:07 pm
上次原本批 2 年,但留了 5 年;即是非法居留啦,應該已入了黑名單,再批機會甚微。

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