他喜欢 use french kissing to kiss me. 親熱跟住他开始用手摸我个身, 到胸。
他是我第一个男友,我们 开始左一个月咋
跟着他带我上他房, then we kissing again, he ask me to take my bra off , I say no at first but i did took it off.
then he kiss my body, 用手指摸我下体, 我话痛then he stoped
跟住他親我下体, 我地俩都没穿裤, naked
he ask me to touch his jj , he say he enjoy it. 我有摸他jj
Can any one tell me? what have I done in there? 我算不算跟他发生了关系? 这叫性行为吗?
P. S)
时后我发觉我下面有D痛, 只痛 了一日姐。 但是点解会痛?