請客戶確認訂單 貿易英文 急件

2009-03-03 11:02 pm
這次總共有3張訂單, 我們知道交期方面非常的趕., 加上中間溝通有耽誤一些時間, 所以我們希望你能幫忙盡快確認這3張訂單, 簽名確認回傳. 並盡快電匯30%T/T的訂金. 我們會立刻請生產線加班生產的.


請在匯款後, 記得通知我們.


回答 (3)

2009-03-04 1:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
There are total of 3 orders this time. We understand the delivery date is very rush, plus there were some misunderstandings causing more delays, however we still need you to confirm these three orders by return fax signed with authorize signature as soon as possible. In the mean time, please schedule to wire 30% down payment for your orders, we will have the assembly line work overtime to meet your deadline.

Following is the detail pricing breakdown for these orders,

Please inform us after wire transfer is made.
參考: myself
2009-03-04 1:51 am
There are 3 orders in total this time. We noted the rush for an early delivery and time lost in the communication between us. Therefore, we hope you can confirm the 3 orders at soonest by sending the signed orders back to us. In addition, please remit 30% down payment to us by T/T. We will immediately arrange overtime work in the production line. Details of the order amount are as below:

Please remember to inform us after you remit the down payment.
參考: myself
2009-03-04 1:28 am

Attached herewith please find three copies of your orders to be confirmed. Please sign and send them back by fax at your earliest convenience. Relevant downpayment is US$0000 (30% of total amount). Please send it by T/T and confirm. We will do our best to deliver the shipment in time.

2009-03-03 17:34:09 補充:

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