Do you think I Am like what you could call over weight?

2009-03-03 5:37 am
I am a 14 year girl, I weight like 140 I think, and I'm like 5'6'' (5 feet, 6 inches) Would you like consider me over weight.
In clothes I wear like 7/8-9 in jeans and my friends wear like 0-3 in jeans do you think I'm over weight

I am a white girl


I'm a whit girl that is 14


White girl who is 14

回答 (2)

2009-03-03 9:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
To be absolutely honest with you, my answer would depend on where you are living and your ethnicity.

I live in England right now, and by my current standards, you're of normal weight. You have a BMI of 22.6 and that's perfectly healthy.

However, I come from Taiwan and Asian girls in general are slimmer and probably have less muscle so they tend to weigh less than a White girl with the same build. For example, I'm also 5'6" and I weigh around 110 but my body size is the same as that of my British friend who weighs 125.

So... if you're White, I would not call you overweight. If you're Asian, I might.
2009-03-03 10:13 pm
Not overweight.

Never compare yourself to other people, you are fine as you are.

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