✔ 最佳答案
Though YouTube's Help Center says that
you are permitted to upload JPGs, GIFs,
BMPs and PNGs, the truth is their codes
for "background image" end up becoming
The same is true for profile images. Thus
whatever you upload will get converted to
a "default.jpg". Any animated GIFs which
you see on people's channel pages were
uploaded at a time before YouTube made
those changes last year. As of right now,
you can't upload animated GIFs.
For further confirmation of this, check out
the 4th "Current Site Issue" in YouTube's
Help Center, or my other link.
These are their complete URL addresses,
which I have written out-in full, followed by
their direct links:
help . youtube . com / support / youtube / bin / static . py ? page = known _ issues . cs
www . google . com / support / youtube / bin / answer . py ? hl = en & answer = 83336
I'm sorry to disappoint you with the news.