as kind as用法

2009-03-03 5:52 am
Would somebody be as kind as to explain to me?
同Would you as kind to explain to me?有咩分別
as kind as係咩黎(adj?或其它o野)?咩意思?

回答 (1)

2009-03-07 10:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
Both are wrong.

The correct way to say it is:

Would somebody be so kind as to explain to me?

"as kind as" can be used this way:

You volunteer your time for the greater good. You're as kind as Mother Teresa.

I'm being as kind as I can by allowing him to stay in my house this week.

kind = 親切的;和藹的, 富於同情心的,寬容的

When you say "A" is as kind as "B", what you're saying is that "A" is just as (親切的;和藹的, 富於同情心的,寬容的) as "B".

參考: self

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