關於Drug 的vocabulary ...

2009-03-03 4:11 am
我想要一d同 drug trifficking 有關的vocabulary

Thank you @@@@@@

回答 (3)

2009-03-12 11:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Drug trafficking = Illegal drug trade = 販毒
Notes: Drug trafficking refers to the sale and distribution of illegal drugs.


black market = 黑市

drug addiction = (毒品)上癮

drug crime = drug-related crime = 毒品犯罪

arrested for drug possession = 持有毒品被捕

arrested = 被捕

offense = 犯罪

prosecution = 起訴

trafficking in heroin = 販運海洛因

trafficking in cocaine = 販運可卡因

trafficking in Marijuana = 販運大麻

drug cultivation = 毒品種植 (e.g. 大麻)

drug manufacturing = 毒品生產

illegal drug business = 非法毒品交易

distribution networks = 分銷網絡

sale and distribution of illegal drugs = 銷售和分銷非法毒品

drug addict = 吸毒(成癮)者

drug abuse = 藥物(毒品)濫用

gang-related violence = 涉及幫派的暴力

poor neighborhoods = 貧窮社區

mandatory drug treatment = 強制戒毒

penalty = 處罰

jail = prison = 監獄

drug-related conviction = 與毒品有關而定罪

minimum sentence of three year in prison = 最低刑罰為三年徒刑

the damage caused to family life and communities = 造成家庭生活和社區的損失
參考: Wish this can help ~
2009-03-03 12:54 pm
Illegal drug trade, offense, Schedule I and II controlled substances, Marijuana, penalities, pled guilty, Diversion control, life imprisonment, sentencing, Drug Enforcement Administration, legislative resolution, cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine.
2009-03-03 4:16 am
Drug abuse has a wide range of definitions related to taking a psychoactive drug or performance enhancing drug for a non-therapeutic or non-medical effect. , and minor tranquilizers. Use of these drugs may lead to criminal penalty in addition to possible physical, social, and psychological harm, both strongly depending on local jurisdiction


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