去澳洲學英文3個月ef好唔好?host family質素點?

2009-03-02 11:37 pm

1, 我想問3個月夠唔夠我可以用英文好輕鬆咁同人溝通(OR通常出去留學既人 係果邊幾耐先溝通到?)
但我想住HOST FAMILY ..我睇左另1個有關EF HOST FAM既意見"http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=7008080900368"

佢地講到EF好似host family質素好似好差咁 ,唔滿意complain左又好似都換唔到咁.
2,其實我想HOST 果度包接送 同唔洗做家務就OK,正常黎講係唔係都一定有接送 同埋唔洗做家務架?
(因為我D留過學既FD話正常唔會要你做野..但係 上面個網址個POST話EF HOST冇接送又換唔到HOST..所以好擔心)

3有冇人去報過EF可以比D意見,D host family質素會唔會好差?

4,另外,如果我1個月有2,3晚去我親戚度訓,交待晒比host聽,正常host family會唔會比我咁做?


6,EF HOST揀單人房(要加錢)相對黎講質素會唔會好D?

其實我已經睇好晒個COURSE同價錢果D,不過因為未去過,所以好擔心當地既生活同埋唔知學唔學到野.. 希望有經驗既人可以解答到我,OR有冇係澳洲留學既人可以留MSN比我方便問問做個朋友,THS

回答 (2)

2009-03-03 11:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Host Family = Home Stay (this is what the people in Australia usually call)

Normally, the home stay must reach some standard in order for them to allow student to stay at their home, so i think you don't have to worry. Futhermore, the school/organization of that home stay will keep an eye on the living condition. If you don't like or you have some complain, you can tell the contract person for the home stay you are living and a small little tips "don't afraid" to say what you want!!

But, before you choose the home stay, you must make it "very clear" about what you want/don't want!! This is to avoid any arugment later on when you live there.

The home stay have the responsibly to keep the student safe, so if you want to spend the few night outside, you must tell the home stay "very clear" by giving them the plan for those few days, give them the contract number that they can reach you, give them the name and the place you are going to stay.

Even though the living standard in Australia is high, if you are just planning to buy a few things, then i think AUD$3,000 should be ok (just in case of any emergency)

Single room is more convenience for yourself, so may be a good idea to choose a single room in a home stay (if you don't mind the extra $$)

2009-03-03 15:07:07 補充:
Hope the information is useful for u!! ^_^ (my own experience)
2009-12-09 2:22 pm
寄住家庭不單只有你一間學校的學生,還有其他不知名的男人,一個女孩子就要小心了, 因為,所有寄住家庭的房間都沒有鎖的,完全沒有私穩可言,他們可以隨時入你房偷野

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