為何英文字最後字母是 o 時眾數要加 es ?為何有些例外?

2009-03-02 6:48 pm
通常英文名詞最後一個字母是「o」,Plural 就要加「es」。但有些字例外,如 bamboos, pianos 和 zoos。

1. 為何一般情況「o」後要加「es」?

2. 為何有些例外情況「o」後加「s」?

3. 除了 bamboos, pianos 和 zoos 外,還有其他例外字嗎?

多謝 someonesam1 的解答和資料, 這些資料很有用, 例如讀音 oo, io, eo 等只加 s 而不加 es等. 看來 oo, io, eo 等只加 s, 原因是若然這些讀音後加 es 會令讀音過於困難或累贅, 所以只加 s.


然而, 樂器只加 s 而不加 es 又是甚麼原因呢? 似乎跟讀音毫無關係. 回到起點, o 字尾的字如 potato, mango, tomato, buffalo 等如果只加 s, 都可以讀得很暢順, 為何訂立這法則的人多此一舉要加 es? 我相信語文的演變背後必有其原因. 雖然未必每一樣都可以找到其根源, 但在求知的心態下, 希望有高人給與更多相關資料.


以前以為 mango 的眾數是 mangoes,原來可以 mangos or mangoes, 十分感謝 someonesam1 的解答和詳細資料。

回答 (1)

2009-03-02 10:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Well.....unfortunately in English, there is no rule that isn't broken ....you know what .....there are a lot of exceptions don't have any reasoning behind them.....
I guess ......this would be one of those freaky exceptions....

The plurals of words ending in "o" are formed by either adding "s" or "es" .... some of the words can be formed either way...
To determine whether a particular word ends in "s" or "es" [or if the word can be spelled either way]......my suggestion to you is check your dictionary. ^_^

Well..there are two rules you need to remember.......

1)All the words that end in a vowel ("ao", "eo", "io", "oo", "uo") have plurals that end in just "s"......
For example:
studio------> studios
duo ------> duos
zoo ------> zoos

2) All musical terms ending in "o" have plurals ending in just "s"....
For example:
piano------> pianos
cello------> cellos
solo------> solos

Hope it helps ~ ^______^

2009-03-02 16:04:17 補充:
Ahhhhhh.....I remembered now ...for the "oes" rule......when most nouns ending in "o" preceded by a consonant ....then we need to add "es".....

p.s. Consonant ---> "B,C,D,F,G,H....etc." [doesn't include "a,e,i,o,u" ]

2009-03-02 16:04:31 補充:
For example:
1) potato -----> potatoes [ since "t" is a consonant]
2) tomato -----> tomatoes [ since "t" is a consonant]

2009-03-02 16:04:38 補充:
3) buffalo -----> buffaloes [ since "l" is a consonant]
4) mango -----> mangos or mangoes [this case is different....they can both be used] <--- don't ask me why.....as I said before "some of the words can be formed either way" ^_______^
參考: 自己..... 10 幾年在加拿大生活所得的經驗, 自己..... 10 幾年在加拿大生活所得的經驗, 自己..... 10 幾年在加拿大生活所得的經驗, 自己..... 10 幾年在加拿大生活所得的經驗

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