
2009-03-02 2:44 am


依家 我哋一齊出街5講野...佢好似已經冇乜所謂..



回答 (3)

2009-03-04 6:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
拍拖係咁架啦, 點會成日有話題架, 到你地大家都唔出聲, 但係一d都唔覺得悶既時侯, 你地既感情就已經昇華到心有靈犀既地步啦, 所以無問題架, 如果佢唔講野時, 你都估到佢個心諗乜仲勁呀.
2009-03-03 4:59 am
This shows that he is starting to loose interest in you. So be prepared now, he will soon breakoff with you.

There is nothing much you can do actually. When a guy have interest with a gal (so call love), he will do anything to make it work (you dont talk, he will talk, etc etc). When he lost that interest, even you become very talkative (or whatever) wont bring him back. Your change will only speed up his desire to leave.

The reason why he still looks at you... I guess its just a sense of guilty feeling and questions in his mind that makes him do that.

He looks at you and feel guilty of saying he want to breakup with you when you have not done anything wrongful (its just that he dont have that "love" for you anymore).

He looks at you and question himself... "am I going to just get stuck with you or find another one that give me back those loving feelings"... "why did I even started with this girl? why?"

You can disagree with me on the above. No problem to me. But on the safe side, you be mentally prepared for that day to come. Part with him graciously and let him see you standing strong (will give a good impression/memory to him so that he can regret next time when his romance with another girl failed). Open up your eyes now for start noticing those secret admirers of yours.

Wish you luck.
2009-03-02 2:52 am
不好一味等他講 , 妳都要找一些話題傾下的 , 如果不是就算今天不散 , 難保一天不會喎 ! 單一面的負出好累的 , 試下想有無什麼共同興趣 , 如唱k . 行山 . 旅行等等 , 或者你們拍拖方式太悶了 , 你學習關心他 , 拍拖只是行街 . 食飯 , 假若可以找到一d共同興趣 , 這樣自然更好啦 !

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