Cell division(20 mark!!!)

2009-03-02 2:06 am
IAre the cell divisions occur in humans body call a asexual reproduction?
Please give information support or relate website.

Not just relat to the fertilisation of cell division, but the cell(eg. cheek cell) in humans' body. Are they also called as asexual reproduction or sexual reproduction?

回答 (3)

2009-03-07 1:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
Are the cell divisions occur in humans body call a asexual reproduction?

Let's clarify your question here...

When you refer to asexual reproduction or sexual reproduction, you're really talking about reproduction. That is, an organism reproduces to form a new organism with a separate identity. For example, a human giving birth (reproducing) to another human. That's reproduction. In human the reproduction is absolutely sexual. I wouldn't want to be human if it's not sexual...haha.

But seriously, when you talk about reproduction in human, it's sexual. Now, for examples of asexual reproduction. One great example is bacteria. Bacteria is a single-cell organism that can reproduce to form another bacteria of a separate identity. Bacteria cannot have sex with another bacteria so it basically divides to form 2 bacterias. So that form of reproduction is called asexual reproduction.

The cell division you're referring in the body is just that: cell division. It's different from reproduction because the new cells that are generated are not a completely separate organism. Each and every one cell in your body is still a part of you. They combine to make one organism -- you! So, there is no reproduction that takes place when your cheek cells divide. It's simply cell division. All your cheek cells bind together to form your epithelial lining of your mouth.

Hope this helps.
參考: self
2009-03-04 8:33 pm
well...asexual and sexual reproduction description above is correct

and...we can't really descript cell division as asexual or sexual reproduction, coz they are different thing.

that process is descripted as cell division and that is.
but u could say the process of somatic (body) cell division is like asexual reproduction, but can't say they r the same thing. that is not the same case.

or u can specific state somatic cell division is called mitosis, while reproductive cell division is called meiosis.

2009-03-02 2:56 am
Asexual reproduction(無性生殖)
The way that single-celled organism reproduces.
It is the way that single-celled organism divide itself into two new
single-celled organism. It ONLY involoves one organism.

Sexual reproduction(有性生殖)
Reproduction in human is called sexual reproduction. It involoves a male and a famale. The male and female parents pass the genetic
information(遺傳基因) to their offspring(後代) through the sex cells.
‧The male sex cells are called sperms( 精子)
‧The female sex cells are called eggs(卵子)

Therefore, the cell divisions occur in human body are called

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