
2009-03-02 1:14 am
如果鐘意左一個人...同佢拍左2日拖...跟著佢話佢仲掛住個EX-BOYFRIEND...咁就散左..過左一排...SEND個SMS問佢可唔可以再係埋一齊..點知佢回返你話...i dun like you..i hv no feeling on you...dun make me hate you and stop calling me, plz..第2日佢又同我講im so sry dat i said those things to u ytd..but i jux telling u the truth, dun waste ur time on me anymore lah. i hv someone dat i like long time ago. Sry u prob will hate me..呢D咁既字句..大家覺得仲有冇機啦...我都知我問呢個問題好百痴...旦想再知道下大家既意見姐..大家覺唔覺得我應該搵過另外一個實際D~?!旦我真係好難忘記到...學愛的故事(上集)...知不知每晚想你十次百次,每晚也去等,因我極心癡。

回答 (5)

2009-03-02 1:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
2009-03-03 12:52 pm

2009-03-02 4:19 am
2009-03-02 2:20 am
Dont give up.... try harder.... but use different tactics.

Call her and talk to her... dont ask her or pressure her to be your gf.... tell her that you want to be her caring and truthful friend becos' you care for her

Slowly, then ask her out to crowded places so she dont feel your advancing... bring her to Ocean Park, Disneyland etc... to make her relax, feel comfortable with you, and enjoy your presence.

You will win her heart when she is comfortable with you (as a friend first so she dont feel pressured or compare you to her ex), she enjoy being with you, and she can talk to you (you must learn to listen and share her feelings)... and this apply to all girls.

Be patient if you really think you love her. If you just wanted quick sex, then find another girl and try...
2009-03-02 1:21 am

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