connective ex. (THZ)

2009-03-01 11:33 pm
as a result / furthermore / however / meanwhile / moreover / nevertheless / therefore / in the meantime
People are watching more and more TV. _(1)_ , TV makers are using new forms of technology tp make TVs bigger and more attractive . _(2)_ most people think that LCD or plasma TVs are better than regular TVs._(3)_,there are people who disagree with this point of view.
My father likes regular TVs more than LCD or plasma ones because he says they do not break down easily._(4)_,he thinks LCD and olasms Tvs are too expensive._(5)_,he cannot understand why many people are replacing regular TVs with LCD or plasma ones.
_(6)_,except for my father ,'bigger' TVs mean 'better' TVs to most people in the world nowadays._(7)_,'more expensive' means 'better' to them._(8)_,regular TVs are considered 'inferior',although this may not actually be true.
as a result / furthermore / however / meanwhile / moreover / nevertheless / therefore
Tv provides us with entertainment and information.Some channels are popular for showing films,dramas and comedies.Others are popular for more serious topices like the news._(9)_,most channels broadcast twenty-four hours a day so there is always something to watch.
Most adults like to watch the news at least once a day._(10)_,teenagers prefer less serious programmes like comedies.They think many comedies on TV nowadays are extremely funny._(11)_,these programmes help them to relax from their studies._(12)_,they enjoy watching comedies very much.
_(13)_,watching too much TV is becoming a problem in HK.This is because people are spending more time in front of the TV than meeting up with and talking to each other._(14)_,they are also eating more unhealthy snacks like chips,sweets and chocolate._(15)_,they are becoming less sociable and more ubhealthy.If we want to live balanced lives,we need to make sure that we do not watch too much TV every day .

use each connective once only

回答 (1)

2009-03-02 12:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
Here you go! :)

1. As a result
2. Meanwhile
3. However
4. Moreover
5. Furthermore
6. Nevertheless
7. Meanwhile
8. Therefore

9. Nevertheless
10. However
11. Moreover
12. Therefore
13. Meanwhile
14. Furthermore
15. As a result

2009-03-11 15:09:27 補充:
Use this for the first 9:

1. As a result
2. In the meantime
3. However
4. Moreover
5. Furthermore
6. Nevertheless
7. Meanwhile
8. Therefore
參考: self

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