buying a laptop/notebook...

2009-03-01 7:41 pm
I wanna buy a laptop, but I'm not sure which one to choose...
i have a few choices, which one is better?

1.Dell Studio 15 []

2.LG E500 []

3.Toshiba Satellite A200[]

4.Toshiba Satellite L300[]

need it for:
2.listen to music online videos/movies

hope that the laptop i find:
1.has a clear+wide screen
2.nice speakers
3.load fast
4.has a great hard disk memory

p.s. i'd read that lots of users said that the sound quality of Dell's Studio 15 is not that good, is it real?

p.p.s. can be answer either in chinese or english!=D

really thank you for your help~!:D

oh,yes,thank you for reminding me arionwan=D!i forgot to tell, i hope that the laptop will not be too heavy, but i don't need one that is very very light, because i don't usually need to bring the computer out for work~~ but i need the dvd/cd rom to be internal~ thank you~~:D

回答 (2)

2009-03-09 6:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
希望Lenovo ThinkPad SL400 可以幫到你啦.
>14" widescreen lcd, 上網必備.
>Intel Core2 Duo CPU, multi-tasking 必備.
>正版Windows XP, Vista 太慢.......
>Graphic 係 4500mhd, 比x3100 快幾部, 真正支援高清, 插高清手指睇J2 必備.

- 個mon 真係要至少有14寸先至夠, 鏡面mon 會顯示d顏色sharp.
- 部機可以用到正版XP, 無Vista 咁慢, 如果你唔係要玩d 新ga pc game, XP 真係快過Vista 好多.
- 買notebook 一定要夠硬淨, 同揀大牌子. 因為notebook 係比較易壞的.

> 上網上得快, 好視乎你用邊間寬頻公司, 同你睇邊d網站.
> 其次, 就係Browser, 用vista 加Internet Explorer 7 真係好食RAM, 同時間開多幾個部機就會好慢. 建議用Firefox.
2009-03-01 7:50 pm
how abt the weight? is it importance?
and the dvd/cd rom is internal or external?

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