急!地理2006CE(Paper 1)第3題一問!!!!!!

2009-03-01 6:31 pm
2006-CE-GEOG 1-7
3(a)(ii) How does the reduction in trees affect the water cycle?

- less interception
- less infiltration
- increase in runoff/overland flow
- the discharge in the river increases
- higher peak flow
- less groundwater flow/base flow
- greater variation in annual discharge of the river
- transpiration decreases
- less evaporation

想問點解會less evaporation?
乜唔係reduction in tress會increase左surface runoff and evaporation rate既咩???
仲有..咩叫higher peak flow??

即係...如果多surface runoff..即係d水會不停流... 咁就d water就會難d去evaporate la.. 係唔係咁解?

回答 (1)

2009-03-01 7:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Reduction in trees will lead to less evaporation. This is because the more trees there are, the more interception it will be. That is the water will be intercepted and sustain there if trees are to block the water flow. Then, the evaporation process will be much more effective since the water is not flowing. (It is more difficult to evaporate the water when it is in the surface runoff.)

Hence, if the amount of trees are reduced, then the evaporation rate will be decreased.

On the other hand, peak flow means the maximum channel runoff of the river. It usually happens when it is the rain season. If there is a reduction of trees, then there will be less interception and infiltration. Hence, the water flow (or we call the channel flow) will increase. Hence, the peak flow will also be higher.

2009-03-01 13:38:22 補充:
參考: Physics king

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