Can i use wii remote to play gamecube game?

2009-03-01 2:03 am
If no, ~but if i can start the game, can i still move the character with wii-remote, while some of the X or Y button cannot not use?(RPG game)

回答 (6)

2009-03-01 2:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
no, you can only use the gamecube controller
參考: i tried
2009-03-02 3:45 am
No, but you can use a Wii classic controller or game cube contollers.
2009-03-01 11:42 am
Nope, when you start a gamecube game the wii enters a "Gamecube mode" in which the only thing that works is the power button and Gamecube controllers plugged into the system.
2009-03-01 10:52 am
2009-03-01 10:12 am
nope, but some games have been redesigned to be played with the wii remote
the only one i can think of right now is donkey kong's jungle beat
2009-03-01 11:00 am
no sorry,but you an use a wii classic controller for gamecube games

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