1 question about wii...?

2009-03-01 12:44 am
actually is 2,
if it were able to start the game or not and move it with wii remote

This question i asked before, but i still don't get it, So the virtual console game require the classic controller to play properly,but i only have wii remotes, so is the game able to run or start and use it with wii remote, while some of the button cannot be used..( like can i at least move the character with wii remote?)

回答 (5)

2009-03-01 1:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
some games will just start up normally without any messages and play normally if it allows you to use a wiimote (like super mario bros 3) but if the game doesnt let you play with the wiimote, then it will give you a message that says "a classic controller is required" b4 the game starts. when you get this message, just plug in a classic controller or a gamecube controller.
2009-03-01 8:50 am
there are only a few virtual console games that will let you use the wiimote. if it doesn't then it wont let you. just get the classic controller for $20 or borrow someone's gamecube controller.
2009-03-01 8:50 am
I don't exactly know what you're asking, I'm sorry.
2009-03-01 8:49 am
more than liley the game you downloaded is for the snes. it wont work without a classic wii comtroller. they arent more than 20 bucks though.
2009-03-01 8:49 am
What game for the wii?

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