Question about Virtual Console & WiiWare, and gamecube..ty :)?

2009-02-28 11:58 pm
i heard that some of the virtual console game require a classic controller, so if i don't have the controller, Can i still able to run the game with the wii remotes?
Also, do wiiware game support wii remote or do i need classic controller to play and run the game?
Last question, can i download the game cube rom from the internet and burn it into the dvd and play it on wii? If yes, how?
(sorry if my english is confusing, english is not my first language)
Thank you :)

回答 (3)

2009-03-01 12:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. If you don't have a classic controller, you cannot play games that require it. However, most also allow you to use a gamecube controller.
2. It varies from game to game. Some need the classic controller, some don't.
3. There are illegal sites that allow you to do this, yes. You also need to mod your Wii for it to work, which voids warranty and puts you at risk to bricking the system. It isn't worth it.
2009-03-01 12:08 am
1. NES and Genesis games can use the wiimote, GCN controller, and the classic controller
SNES and N64 games require a classic controller or a GCN controller
2. Different wiiware games require different controllers, it depends
3. a. Yes, through homebrew and lots of hacking
2009-03-01 12:03 am
most games have more than two controller they can use and they are all classic controller and gamecube and wii mote so if you have any of those you will be able to play most games

Wiiware games some support both

the last question you can't since its illegal and the wii won't play it.

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