Do you think this part of my story sounds good?

2009-02-28 11:35 pm
-This is just a part of my story. I just wanted to know if you thought that it sounded good or it sounded awful. This is chapter 5.

Before the Party (Savanna's House), "I don't look like my self, I like it." (Flash Back, August 29, 2008)

"Hey mom, I'm going over to Savanna's house to this party, and for once I would just wish you would want me to stay home. And maybe we could eat dinner together or just talk." Is what I wanted to say to my mom when I seen her walk in the door of the house with her boyfriend right beside her. But instead I just told her bye and walked past her and out the door and made my way down the street to Savanna's house.

She only lived two blocks away from me. So I didn't need her to come and pick me up, like she wanted too. Instead I told her that I just wanted to walk. The air was crisp and warm and the sky was cloudy. You know how it gets right before a big thunderstorm? How you can feel the cool mist in the air and the light breeze that blows on your face to take away the humidity. This was my favorite weather and I wanted to enjoy it before the dreadful fall and winter came. My least favorite seasons.

I was wearing a pink fancy tank top that had think straps and was cut to a v-neck. It had glitter down the front of it and was outlined with lace. It looked perfect against my pale skin. I had on a pair of low rise black jeans, which had white pinstrips down them. I was wearing my white tennis shoes. I had my hair back in a pony tail and hadn't put any make up on. Savanna told me she would do at her house, so she could have me looking perfect. I was just carrying my purse and had a small jacket just to cover myself up incase I wanted too. I didn't like to expose too much skin. That was just the way I was, I guess. It didn’t make me feel very comfortable.

I stopped at the street light, and starred at the stupid "Don't Walk" sign that was flashing. Yeah, what kind of an idiot would want to walk out in the road with cars moving at the speed that they were? I stood there waiting and looked around at the other people beside me. There was and old man, with gray hair and was wearing a business suit. He was talking impatiently in a cell phone and was looking down at his watch on his wrist. Probably some kind of business guy. There were some other people that were dress like that too.

I looked behind me and saw some girls that looked around the age fifth teen or fourteen and were giggling and blushing at some guy that was standing on the other side of the crowd waiting. I glanced over at him and felt my own self blush. He was starring right at me. Now I can understand why the girls were giggling. I felt like a little girl myself, looking at some kind of celebrity crush in a magazine. He was beyond gorgeous, with dark black shaggy hair, that went into his eyes. (I couldn't exactly tell if he was looking at me or the person behind me but his direction was poited in my way).

He was wearing a black t-shirt and just regular blue jeans. He was extremely pale and was very muscular. He had his hands in his pockets and just standing there, not many people were standing next to him. FInally, the "Don't Walk" sign changed to the "Walk" sign and the whole group of people, including me, started walking across the road. I stole glances of the strange guy as I got to the other side of the street. Every body went their separate ways and I started walking down the street again, just a little bit longer and would get to Savanna's house. I kept looking around for the strange guy, but didn't ever see him again. It was like he just disappeared.

I saw Savanna's house up head, the big two story white suburban house. Her father was the treasurer of Cincinnati, so they were pretty much rich as can be. There were no cars parked outside the house, and it looked dead. No body was around in the neighborhood and it started to ease my worry, that something would probably go horribly wrong. I started walking up the black top driveway, and walked up to the big porch, which had a bunch of lawn furniture sitting around. I reached for the door bell, when the door flew back and Savanna appeared. She got the biggest smile across her face and started to open the glass screen door, so I took a step inside.

She was wearing a strapless tank top. It had a circle cut out in the center around the top, near the neck of the tank top, so you could see a lot of cleavage. It had different designs down the front of it, with the colors purple, pink, and white through it. She had on a pair of light blue jeans, that looked extremely tight and she was barefoot. Her blonde hair was all curly that went to about her shoulders with her side bangs really straight almost covering her left eye. I could tell she had sliver hoop ear rings on, when she pulled her side bangs behind her ear. She had a bunch of black eyeliner on, and mascara.

"Hi Alicia," Savanna said, throwing her arm around my shoulder, "I love your outfit. I can't believe you actually wore what I told you too." She released me and started to pull up her tank top just enough to exposed her stomach, "So do you like it, I haven't had a chance to show it to you yet?" I looked at her stomach, and saw that she got her belly button pierced. She had a sliver hoop threw it, and thats when she pulled her tank top back down. I felt my jaw drop, I couldn't believe that she actually did it. "Wow." Was all that I could say. Savanna giggled and put her arm back up around my shoulder and said, "Well come on, lets get you all done. You really need some eyeliner on." We started walking up the big marble stair case, that circled around. We got up stairs and walked into Savanna's bedroom. I have been to her room, ever since kindergarden, but it never ceased to amaze me. It was the biggest bedroom, I have ever seen.

回答 (2)

2009-03-03 8:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I liked the first two paragraphs, from "Hey mom, I'm going over to Savanna's house to this party..." to "...My least favorite seasons".

However, I have to say it went downhill after that. The passage started out thoughtful and meaningful. The mother-daughter relationship theme has potential and your description of the weather was nicely worded. I didn't enjoy what followed... about fashions and boys. It was more than a little superficial: I couldn't care less about the clothes you and your friend were wearing, down to the colours and patterns on her tank top.

All in all, the change in mood from thoughtful to superficial is too abrupt and jarring.
2009-03-01 7:39 am
i read the first word and id have to say no

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