help!help!About P.5 English!

2009-02-28 11:48 pm
以下是一啲English 題目!
(一)Emma is writing a story.Help her complete the story.

Once upon a time,there was a brave prince.One morning,the prince(1)________(decide/go)hunting.He(2)________(need/take)a bow and arrows with him.

On his way,the prince(3)________(want/take)a rest.He stopped his horse and(4)_______his bobyguard_______(ask/give)him some water.

Suddenly,he heard someone scream.He(5)_______(go/see)what was happening.He saw a beautiful princess.She was in danger.A lion(5)_______(want/eat)her.

The prince(7)_______his bow and arrow ________(use/shoot)the
lion.The lion was hurt and ran away.The brave and beautiful princess became friends.

(二)Danny is writing about his relatives.Help Danny complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs.

(1)Jimmy ________(be)my brother.He_______(want)to become a
good tennis player.He________(play)in a tennis competition next
month.He_______(practise)hard now.

(2)Jenny_______(be)my sister.She ________(be)good at play the
violin at her school concert next week.She ______(teach)me how to
play the violin next year.

(3)Lily_________(be)my cousin.We________(go)camping together
last month.We________(have)a great time.We________(go)gor a picnic tomorrow.

(4)Uncle John________(be)a doctor.He______(work)very hard.He_______(have)a long holiday next month.He_______(travel)to Thailand for his holiday.He______(look for)some information about Thailand now.

(5)Aunt Sandy_______(be)a teacher.She______(go)to India last year.She_______(buy)many interesting things there.She_____(come)to
visit us next week.She______(bring)us some delicious cakes,too.


回答 (3)

2009-03-01 12:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
1)decided to go
2)needed to take
3)wanted to take
4)asked, to give
5)went to see
6)wanted to eat
7)used, shot

1)is, wants, will play, is practising
2)is, will be, will teach
3)is, went, had, are going
4)is, works, will have, will travel, is looking for
5)is, went, brought, will come, will bring

ps:上面o個個(001)唔岩傢, 因為佢冇用提供既字
參考: 自己
2009-03-01 12:10 am
1) decided to go
2) needed to take
3) wanted to take
4) asked to give



1) is (因為這是不變的事實,所以用現在式)
2) wants (記住HE係第三生,要係動詞加"S")
3) will play (Hint: next week --> future tense)
4) is pracitising (hint: now)

(2) is
will teach

(3) is
went (hint: last)
will go (hint: tomorrow)

(4)Uncle John________(be)a doctor.He______(work)very hard.He_______(have)a long holiday next month.He_______(travel)to Thailand for his holiday.He______(look for)some information about Thailand now.

(5)Aunt Sandy_______(be)a teacher.She______(go)to India last year.She_______(buy)many interesting things there.She_____(come)to
visit us next week.She______(bring)us some delicious cakes,too.





過去的事,用PAST TENSE。(要留意VERB的變化,不要每個都加ED的)
2009-02-28 11:55 pm
Once upon a time,there was a brave prince.One morning,the prince(1)__decided to go______(decide/go)hunting.He(2)__took______(need/take)a bow and arrows with him.

On his way,the prince(3)__took______(want/take)a rest.He stopped his horse and(4)__asked_____his bobyguard___to give____(ask/give)him some water.

Suddenly,he heard someone scream.He(5)_went to see______(go/see)what was happening.He saw a beautiful princess.She was in danger.A lion(5)____wanted to eat___(want/eat)her.

The prince(7)___used____his bow and arrow _shot_______(use/shoot)the
lion.The lion was hurt and ran away.The brave and beautiful princess became friends.

(二)Danny is writing about his relatives.Help Danny complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs.

(1)Jimmy ___is_____(be)my brother.He___wants____(want)to become a
good tennis player.He__will play______(play)in a tennis competition next
month.He___is practising____(practise)hard now.

(2)Jenny__is_____(be)my sister.She _____is___(be)good at play the
violin at her school concert next week.She _will teach_____(teach)me how to
play the violin next year.

(3)Lily______is___(be)my cousin.We__went______(go)camping together
last month.We____had____(have)a great time.We____shall go____(go)gor a picnic tomorrow.

(4)Uncle John______is__(be)a doctor.He__works____(work)very hard.He____willhave___(have)a long holiday next month.He_will travel_____(travel)to Thailand for his holiday.He__is looking for____(look for)some information about Thailand now.

(5)Aunt Sandy___is____(be)a teacher.She__went____(go)to India last year.She____bought___(buy)many interesting things there.She_will come____(come)to
visit us next week.She___will bring___(bring)us some delicious cakes,too.

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