p.6-F.1 maths

2009-02-28 7:11 pm
1) In a supermarket ,the price of an apple is $2.5,and an orangeis $3.Alan got $2 left after buying some apples . However,he could need $2 more if he wanted to buy the same number of oranges , Find the number of apples he bought.

2)A girl's age is years more than 2分之1 of her mother's age .If the sum of their age is 62 . Fing their ages .

3)Peter has $9 more than Paul ,and philip 's is 3分之1 of peter's .How much money does each of thhem have a total of $61?

回答 (3)

2009-02-28 8:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Let x be nos. of apple
$2.5x + $2 = $3x
x = 4
4 apples

Let y be mother's age
y/2+y = 62
3y = 122
y = 40.66
mother is 40.66year old and girl is 20.33 year old
since girl age is more than half of mother
therfore mother is 41 year old and girl is 21year old

Let E be Peter,
Paul is E-9 and Philip is 3E
E + E-9 + 3E = 61
E = 14
Peter is 14, Paul is 5 and Philip is 42
2009-02-28 7:58 pm
P.6-F.1 maths
2)A girl's age is years more than 2分之1 of her mother's age .If the sum of their age is 62 . Fing their ages.

The mother's age is 40

The girl's age is 62

2009-02-28 11:59:01 補充:
3)Peter has $9 more than Paul, and philip's is 3分之1 of peter's .How much money does each of them have a total of $61?

What do you mean by "How much money does each of them have a total of $61?"
Sorry, I don't understand.
參考: Myself
2009-02-28 7:55 pm
There is information missing in Q2 & Q3.
Please check it again.

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