關於 COTTON 棉花 英文轉譯 pls

2009-02-28 6:52 pm

廣東《金羊網》報道,廣東檢驗檢疫局公布,去年經讓局檢驗的進口棉花品質方面存在不同程度問題的有299批,佔進口總量的58.1%,品質方面共計索賠83.2萬美元 。





統計顯示,進口棉花以美棉為主,佔廣東進口棉花總批次的61%,其次依次是澳洲 棉、印度 棉和巴西 棉等,進口貿易形式以一般貿易為主

回答 (1)

2009-03-01 1:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
Many manufacturers in Guangdong Province do not impose strict standard to the cotton packing request. The Guangdong authorities reported that 92.4% of the cotton failed to meet standards.

Guangdong "Jin Yangwang" reported that the Guangdong Examination Quarantine Bureau noted that the import cotton quality has the varying degree of problems last year that totaled 299 batch, or 58.1% of the total import quantity. Monetary damages totaled 832,000 US dollars was sought due to quality problems.

The quarantine department indicated that they discovered many rice flatworm, disease vectors, bird excrement, dead mice, the tropics fire ant, the bookworm, the corn elephant, the spider, and other kinds of harmful living thing. The Chinese public proclamation forbids these items from entering the country.

Because many businesses are lax to the import cotton packing request, the foreign-style cotton is extremely easy in the transportation process the temperature, the humidity influence, appears gets moldy and spoil and so on questions wet.

Last year the Guangdong port found water-damaged, the grease stains many times and so on “the question cotton”, some “the black heart cotton” also doped the massive chemical fiber, the feather, the yarn, the hair, the cloth in the cargo broken and so on special impurity and the textile fiber, these special impurities and the textile fiber clamped fragmentarily in the bale/s/of cotton, the distribution area was broad, Yi Tiaochu, to did not become the gauze quality and the dyeing directly has the influence.

2009-02-28 17:25:46 補充:
It is known that because the national policy macroeconomic regulation and control and rise in price's influence, the Guangdong port examined 132,953 tons of import cotton last year, valued at 100,000,000 US dollars.

2009-02-28 17:25:52 補充:
Surveys revealed that the majority of import cotton came from the U.S., accounted for 61% of all imported cotton. The rest were imported from Australia, India, and Brazil. Import method is primarily that of the standard trading methods.
參考: self, self, self

收錄日期: 2021-04-19 13:37:10
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