翻譯d英文呀..thz so much好趕要呀!!

2009-02-28 10:07 am

回答 (2)

2009-02-28 4:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
also (1) several good, may enable to news enables many people to know already…
(2) this achievement first time several succeed actually already, if may already the words, be possible to make the stream of people to assign, I discovered that the D person centralism is Saturday Lebanon frame, on Sunday department quite few person Lebanon frame, if may already the words, the next time or may arrange Saturday is junior middle school Lebanon, Sunday is high school Lebanon 咁, 咁 under the type frame, still has me to think that the propaganda is insufficient, I discovered that has quite few already 巿 people Lebanon to visit already, the guardian already quantity also relative reduction already, may a D propaganda activity already (3) certainly be vigorously again the scientific group, may giveAlso to many rationalities both news enabling child, moreover my game is vivid, and has pair, and has an experiment, the magic both moves, metachromasia D and so on frames, the very good frame, the command arrives at the student to know that the food baa is health D and so on.
(4) has certainly, my all already staffs very diligently pay many already time for a activity with very big already diligently to put up, 咁 my body for a scientific group already member, the stem is the department branch discipline helper (5) side stall decorates well? I thought that should be the elder brother religion group already minibus, 佢 sets at a very sad already vehicles newspaper has the vitality along with to have the child special….Very lovable already….
參考: me
2009-02-28 9:50 pm
(1) have a few good either, so that messages can be so many people know it ... <br> (2) In fact, the first time as both have several successful, if we can not only can you make the distribution under the flow of people, I found D to focus the Department of Human啦黎架Saturday, Sunday, the Department of Human黎架less, if it is possible if both then, the next it can be arranged on Saturday or middle school grades啦Lebanon on Sunday, the Department of High School Lebanon咁啦,咁like aircraft, the lack of publicity仲有I feel you, I found that not only has relatively few members of the public to visit both Lebanon and parents both quantity also reduced both, can be strongly D promotion events both <br> (3) Department of Science Section of course you can be more rational to give to both the message so that both kids and me to the game very lively, and matching activities for you, and do an experiment, magic both啦Events, such as discoloration and respond to it D such as racks, very good frame, making the students aware of the Department of Health food Cashmere D and so on you .. <br> (4) No problem, I and all the staff are both very hard for this event to pay a lot of time to share not only the efforts of both large planes,咁me both as a member of the Science Section, Department of Department of Science Terrier啦Helper <br> (5) side of the best decorated booths? Brother I think we should line religious groups both minibuses, drainage will be a very dull vehicle it is reported that home life has very special kids activity has .... Both very cute ... .

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